How the controls work in Pokémon Unite

‎How controls work in Pokémon Unite‎
‎How controls work in Pokémon Unite‎

From menu controls to Unite Battle, the buttons are intuitive to use for gameplay in the new MOBA from Nintendo and Tencent.

Pokémon Unite is an easy game to use. The directional buttons and left analogue stick are used to move in the direction entered, as always. The Free2Play title nevertheless has several different inputs, which differ between the actual menu and the gameplay in the battle.

Mastering the controls down to the last detail is what separates good players from top players. Just knowing that basic attacks always automatically go to the opponent when the A button is pressed is a first step in the right direction.

Die Steuerungstasten in Pokémon Unite – diese können auch manuell verändert werden.

Each player can adjust his or her own key assignment. For example, those who prefer to use the X button to perform basic attacks can do so in the control menu under the “Button Settings”.

The controls in the match:

Left analogue stick: Movement of the Pokémon.

A button: Basic attacks or auto attacks (hold down)

X button: Score goals (hold down)

R button: 1st special attack

ZR button: 2nd special attack

ZL button: Unite attack

Y-key: Use of the combat item

B-key: Abort attack

L-key: View of the map

Minus key: View of the mini-map

Plus key: Menu

Control key down: Superjump back to base (hold down)

Top control key: Message menu for communication with team mates

Control button left: Learn new attack 1

Control key right: Learn new attack 2

Right analogue stick (R3): Change attack direction

Right analogue stick (R3): View details (pressed)

The standard buttons for menu operation:

A button: Confirm menu

B key: Cancel and return

X-button: Calling up the setting options as well as, friends list, ranking, mail, item

-box, fight preparation, wardrobe and the exercise section.

R button: View of the coach level

L button: View of the coach info

Plus and minus button: Additional explanations and details