Humankind: Create Unity with the new DLC


Yesterday afternoon, SEGA and Amplitude unveiled Humankind’s new DLC. Together We Rule brings you diplomacy, agents and a congress.

This autumn, the peoples of Earth are moving closer together with Humankind’s new DLC. The expansion Together We Rule offers you a wealth of opportunities to immerse yourself in intercultural communication. For example, in the Humankind Congress you can mediate international conflicts, vote on common doctrines and use new currency leverage to enforce certain goals.

With the help of embassies you can establish bilateral relations with other states. Here, too, you can use leverage to impose your will on the other party.
The third new gameplay mechanic is the agents. With their help, you can gather leverage, spread disinformation, sabotage governments and even infiltrate them. You can find out what classes they consist of here.

In addition, Together We Rule offers you six following cultures with diplomatic affinity: Sumerians, Han Chinese, Bulgarians, Swiss, Scots and Singaporeans. In addition, the Humankind expansion includes six new wonders, seven independent races, 15 new story events including four inter-realm events, and new in-game songs.

Together We Rule is scheduled for release this autumn on all available platforms.