Hunt Showdown is set in 1895 – the newly revealed reconnaissance drone still fits in!


The upcoming update of the multiplayer shooter brings some changes, as the developers announced in a livestream. Among other things, a living beetle will make it to Hunt: Showdown as a reconnaissance drone.

Hunt: Showdown is an incredibly atmospheric game. The setting in the bayou of the late 19th century is quite something and the disgusting monsters are not bad either. So it sounds all the more strange at first that a reconnaissance drone is now being added to the game with update 1.10. But it’s not a mechanical construct.

But it’s not a mechanical construct, it’s a lively insect! In this article we will explain exactly how our little friend works. If you want to know all the information in detail, then watch the livestream of the development studio:


(The little fellow on the bottom right of the picture has a lot going for him.)
(The little fellow on the bottom right of the picture has a lot going for him.)

The helpful beetle is an item of equipment, just like a healing syringe or a Molotov cocktail. So you can put the little rascal in your pocket and use it whenever you want. You can also find the bug in the game world near small cocoons. The insect can also be used several times if you are careful with it.

But what exactly does the bug do? After you throw it, you can see with its eyes and control it. The insect sees permanently in Darksight, so it should be easy for you to spot your opponents.

You can also sacrifice the little stalker and blow it up, causing light damage to your enemies – if they don’t shoot the bug first. You can see how the beetle looks and works in the livestream above from minute 29:20 onwards.

Just a few months ago, the three-year-old multiplayer shooter hit a new player record.

What else is coming with update 1.10?

Here’s a quick rundown of the most important changes.

  • Map changes: Stillwater Bayou and Lawson Delta are getting a bit of a makeover. For example, the former map will get a new small island at Alice Farm. In addition, the spawn points of the maps will be changed to prevent unfair spawn fights.
  • Gunplay changes: A few weapons will be adapted. Among other things, Compact Ammo Rifles, for example the Winfield 1873 will get a higher range.
  • Hunter changes: Poison Sense will be increased to 150 meters range, Ghoul and Conduit will also be buffed.
  • Questline System: The new Questline System is launched. You collect stars for every quest you complete. Once you have earned enough stars, you will level up and receive rewards.
  • More changes: The prices of some items will be adjusted, upgrade costs for traits will rise and fall, and you can now find consumable items in the map – such as our friendly bug.

A perennial issue with multiplayer shooters is matchmaking. Sometimes you feel superior to the opponents, sometimes vastly inferior.

When exactly the update 1.10 will be released is still unclear. So far it is only said that it will be “soon”.

What do you think of the changes, especially the Stalker Beetle? Are you afraid that the gadget is too powerful or are you already looking forward to the Beetle? Feel free to let us know in the comments!