Hunt Showdown’s biggest event yet is here: how Devil’s Moon works


Hunt Showdown blasts off to a new hunting event in the bayou: We have all the info on start time, the pacts, event progress and rewards at Devil’s Moon.

Hunt Showdown concludes its event trilogy. Over the next few weeks, the Extraction shooter is all about the Devil’s Moon – and the maps are on fire big time! The new event will intervene more strongly than before in the existing gameplay via Wild Card.

We summarise all the information on Devil’s Moon. How long the event will run, what rewards are available and how you can earn them. Unlike the last Serpent’s Moon event, this time the progress should not be so slow.

All info about the event Devil’s Moon

What is Devil’s Moon?

The third event after Traitor’s Moon and Serpent’s Moon completes the story around Kevin, who plays an important role in all three events. The usual rules that apply in the Bayou are adapted again for Devil’s Moon. You collect event points in your games to advance in the Battle Pass. You earn tokens and sacrifice them to one of three pacts to gain special abilities. Battle Pass offers free and paid rewards, and the event also brings a slew of new weapons.

The trailer summarises what’s new in a compact way:

Start time: When does the event run?

Devil’s Moon runs from 14 December 2022 to 15 February 2023, which is around two months. In these eight weeks you can dust off the rewards.

What new weapons are available in Devil’s Moon?

  • Springfield M1892 Krag: New rifle with long ammunition
  • Winfield M1876 Centennial Trauma: Variant with blunt close combat stock
  • Martini-Henry Ironside: Quick-loading variant
  • LeMat Mark 2 Carbine: Carbine variant of the revolver

New ammunition: There are also new ammunition types, such as whisper-quiet steel bullets and dragon’s breath bullets for the explosive lance. The Springfield rifle and the Pax revolver also get poison ammunition.

How does the Battle Pass work?

As usual with Battle Passes, Hunt Showdown has a free part and a paid part All players earn free items through event progress, but paying players get most of the goodies. The new weapons are also in the pass and can be unlocked for free

The pictures give an overview of how the rewards in Devil’s Moon are divided into free and paid:

How does progress work?

According to all appearances, progress will be somewhat easier to master this time. In addition, level jumps can be bought with the real money currency Blood Bonds if desired.

This is how you collect Event Points

In the games of Hunt Showdown you get points for various actions, for example freeing souls captured by Mister Chary:

  • Destroy soul trap: 3 points
  • Interact with soul trap: 6 points
  • Collect clues/rifles: 10 points
  • Banish Bosses: 12 points
  • Looting defeated players: 12 points
  • Extract with bounty: 30 points

Challenges: A new challenge system is also introduced that is linked to progress. This allows missions to be completed (with a PvP or PvE focus) in order to level up faster in the Battle Pass. The stars earned there can be converted into event points.

What the progress could be and how much time it could cost, a player on Reddit wants to have calculated:

What’s the deal with the pacts/fractions?

Hunt Showdown introduces three factions that have their own goals in the story of the event. Players can join either the Infernal, Lunar or Grounded Pact to find out each faction’s motivation. The Legendary Hunter from the game each belong to a Pact, as you can see here:

Besides the story, there are also very tangible advantages: You earn tokens for the respective pact in matches. With these, you will receive special event traits that give your hunter special power.

What traits are in it?

Infernal Pact

  • Fire Eater: If you lose a life bar to fire, it can be restored for the price of one token.
  • Flame Touched: If you have four tokens with you, your Hunter will no longer ignite, but will still take damage on contact with fire. In addition, the regeneration rate of scorched beams is increased.

Lunar Pact

  • Relentless: All tokens disappear when you are shot down, but you do not lose a life bar when reviving.
  • Indomitable: With four tokens in your bag, you will regenerate life quickly and automatically. You will also be revived with full health.

Grounded Pact

  • Death Cheat: Your hunter will not die if you cannot extract alive, at the cost of all tokens.
  • Shadow: With four tokens, AI enemies can no longer see you, but they can still hear you. If you play alone instead of in a team, you can also revive yourself.

What do the wild cards mean?

Wild Cards is a snazzy name for a well-known mechanic: That special times of day can take place on maps at the event. This time it is called Inferno and ignites large parts of the game world, which should provide for changed gameplay.

The trailer shows the visually appealing (and hopefully hardware-friendly) fire:

These boosts are available

Those who want to or don’t have enough time to grind can again buy event boosters to increase their earnings per round. An extra trait also provides more points. In addition, selected hunters get automatic bonuses again. And apparently level jumps can also be bought directly in the Battle Pass.

Gasp, that was a lot! Will you be playing Hunt to the Devil’s Moon? Do you like what you’ve seen of it so far? Feel free to drop us a line in the comments.