I showed my loved ones ChatGPT – Now they have more free time and you can too.


If you’re not using ChatGPT yet, you’re missing out. I got on my loved ones’ nerves until they realised that too

I sit here in my home office and every few days to weeks I get excited anew about ChatGPT and the wave of useful tools that have flooded the market since its release. 

Of course, not all that glitters is gold. And yet we can’t point out enough how enormously practical they can be. A few great tools for your everyday life have already been presented to you by our colleague Linh.

But I digress: While many know that ChatGPT exists and that it can be useful in some way, my personal environment shows that the extent of ChatGPT or even other machine learning projects has not yet advanced as far as I would like.

Why do I wish this at all? (Technological) progress is, in my opinion, one of the most important influences on human society and our daily lives. 

The rapid progress of some technologies in particular can sometimes be frightening. Maybe one or the other person feels overtaken. Like there’s no catching up to be done. I notice that again and again with people in my environment. But you don’t have to know everything. 

It’s much more important to know how to get information and process it. That’s where ChatGPT comes in – and probably won’t leave it anytime soon.

That’s why I’m always spreading the glad tidings of technology and progress among my loved ones. Even at the risk of being more annoying than helpful – optimally 50/50. After all, I want to get something out of it.

Stressful times? Too much on your mind? ChatGPT can help

To illustrate how much ChatGPT can help you, I will briefly tell you how I showed ChatGPT to two of my loved ones. Both of them talked to me about certain issues that are causing stress or problems in their current situation or in their daily lives.

I showed them OpenAI’s chatbot as a solution and in both cases they now use ChatGPT more or less regularly. A personal success, for sure, but I want to convince you too.

Application stress & Pressure from the office

My friend was still in the application process for a new job until recently. For people without much experience with writing applications, this can be quite nerve-wracking. Especially if you are already stressed out as it is – for example, because of appointments at the office.
That’s why you naturally turn to friends, relatives or even your partner.

(ChatGPT Logo. (Image: OpenAI))
(ChatGPT Logo. (Image: OpenAI))

The problem: I am a professional writer, but I get the sheer shakes when I then write an application every few years. So I’m not much help. Especially not when it comes to the future of my fellow human beings. I’m rather cautious in that respect.

But even though I couldn’t help her directly with her application, I knew how to help indirectly. So I showed her ChatGPT. 

She had heard of it but never used it. So we quickly gave ChatGPT some details about profession and experience and there was a first draft.

Her initial disinterest quickly turned to enthusiasm when she saw ChatGPT output a perfectly usable draft cover letter in just a few seconds. 

My friend’s subsequent quote could so have come from a 90s AOL commercial:

“Lol, it’s that easy? “

Yes, it’s that easy! You should still make adjustments afterwards, but that’s much easier than setting up a completely new document, don’t you think?

No? Don’t worry, I’m sure that absolutely everyone can use ChatGPT or a similar tool in a really useful and time-saving way.

Reports created in seconds

A good friend of mine – let’s call him Torben – has to write reports regularly at work. By his own admission, it’s an incredibly tedious task that just sucks up time and is a pain in the ass. As is so often the case, however, it has to be done anyway.

After he told me about how he was probably pulling an extra shift to keep up with his paperwork, I just had to step in. 

“Writing reports with ChatGPT?”, I thought to myself, “Nothing easier than that”.

What many don’t seem to consider: ChatGPT can not only process information you give to the bot. It can draw on an incredible amount of knowledge and accordingly knows many forms of writing. For example, it knows what is important for a report. Whether it’s an internship report from a ninth-grader or police reports.

By the way, you can also tell ChatGPT that the text should be at the level of a ninth grader if you feel like it (for whatever reason).

Extrashifts Torben certainly doesn’t have to do now – at least not because of paperwork.

Curricula for night maths lessons – What?

Last but not least, let me tell you about another friend of mine. Let’s call him Tom.

I didn’t have to convince Tom of the practicality of ChatGPT. He came up with the idea himself and now uses ChatGPT to code and, more recently, to learn maths.

Excuse me? Yes, he is actually teaching himself higher maths using ChatGPT and a bot-created curriculum. 

Why? He is passionate about programming and web design and likes to further his education in his spare time. And the deeper you go into programming, the more practical mathematics becomes. Especially if you have a bit of an interest in game development, as in Tom’s case.

Caution: While ChatGPT can help you create a syllabus or teach you various other subjects, you should be careful when it comes to assignments that are not purely text-based. For although ChatGPT can explain mathematics well, when it comes to practical arithmetic, the bot will disappoint you. Or rather: hardly any of it will be right.

Something for everyone

You can already see: The use cases for ChatGPT are enormously broad and the more experience you gain, the more you can get out of the bot.

We’ve already put together some great tips for you, in case you need some more inspiration:

  • ChatGPT: 9 prompts you should know about
  • The 6 prompts for ChatGPT really everyone can use
  • These tips will make ChatGPT AI the best everyday assistant – Avoid these 10 mistakes

How much do you work with ChatGPT? Do you use the bot regularly or only sporadically? How much time and work does it save you? Are there people among you who have never used ChatGPT? I would be interested to know what stops you from using it. As always, please post your concerns, experiences and opinions in the comments below!