If you love the role-playing game Pathfinder, you can save 800 euros in the sale and get 72 books for it


Humble is once again offering a spectacular pen & paper deal: you get a ton of digital Pathfinder rule sets at a bargain price.

Regularly, the bigger Dungeons & Dragons steals the show from it. But Pathfinder has its own strengths! For many fans, the pen & paper role-playing game is even the more fun alternative to 5e – but we’ll leave this comparison for another time.

Instead, we present you an offer that is exciting for both die-hard Pathfinder fans and interested newcomers: At Humble, you can get half a library of rulebooks, adventures, and more.With a discount of more than 800 euros.

What’s in the Pathfinder Humble Bundle

As usual, there are several bundles. The largest and most expensive one contains 72 digital books for 28 euros. The total value is 842 euros, so you’re saving a lot. This is the content you get:

  • Complete Pathfinder Core Rulebook (2nd Edition)
  • Game Master Guide
  • Three volumes of monsters and creatures
  • Several adventures, including multi-part campaigns
  • Pre-generated characters with matching artwork
  • Additional material such as character sheets and maps

The medium bundle for 14 euros is one size smaller It contains 37 books, including a beginner’s box, so you can easily start with it in Pathfinder. The smallest package is available for 5 euros , and it also includes a beginner’s box and a few adventures – but mostly only the beginnings, so you would have to get the sequels elsewhere.

Click here for the Humble offer

As usual, part of the proceeds will go to a charitable cause (you can optionally pay more than the suggested purchase price and thus donate more). The current Pathfinder bundle supports ComicBooks for Kids, a non-profit organization that provides children in cancer clinics and hospitals with age-appropriate comics.

Pathfinder vs. Dungeons & Dragons: A Brief Overview

Combat: Dungeons & Dragons 5e is pretty prescriptive about what you can do in each round. Action, bonus action, movement, reaction. Pathfinder 2e simplifies this and just gives you three actions per turn. Cast spells and slash? You got it!

Character Development: While you get new skills with each level in D&D 5e, which are determined by your (sub)class, in Pathfinder you customize your heroes primarily through feats. This allows for more creative freedom – but you can also get bogged down.

Skills: In D&D 5e, your existing or non-existing training bonus determines how good you are at a skill. In Pathfinder 2e, your skills are divided into ascending categories, such as expert and master. In addition, dice rolls are not rolled with advantage or disadvantage, but receive bonuses or deductions (similar to DSA).

In general, D&D 5e offers more structure and Pathfinder 2e offers more freedom. Which you like better is a matter of taste. Both systems are quite similar, so with a little prior knowledge, you’ll quickly find your way around.

At Humble, you’ll regularly find exciting book offers – in addition to video games, of course. Not only tabletop rulebooks and campaigns for your adventure groups, but often also digital novels or comics. We always keep an eye out for particularly exciting offers and discounts for you!