If you’re into pets and mounts, you can’t go past Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds


The upcoming J-RPG Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds focuses on cute pets and mounts.

Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds is the next game in the cute J-RPG series and focuses heavily on cute pets, imposing mounts as well as their care and breeding in their own farm. This makes the game a feast for all RPG fans who like to look after their menagerie of numerous creatures. Find out more about the details and what else is in the game here.

What is Ni no Kuni
: Cross Worlds? Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds is the latest game in the popular J-RPG series. This one features heartwarming storylines as well as lovable fantasy creatures.

In Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds you are travelling with your character in a fictional game called “Soul Diver”. So you play an online game within an online game. In the game, however, you learn of a danger that threatens both worlds – the virtual world and the real world in the game.

With a player character embodying one of five hero classes, you then join forces with other players to combat the threat.

Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds will be released in the West on 25 May 2022 for PC, iOS and Android, crossplay between platforms is possible. 

Special features of Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds, however, are the adorable pets (familiars) and mounts, as well as the farm where you keep the cute little animals.

Pets, Mounts and the Farm – What’s behind the Features

What’s the deal with the pets? In the games of the Ni no Kuni series, there have always been cute little animals, the so-called familiars. These fantastic animal creatures help you in the game, for example by assisting you in battles.
In Ni no Kuni: Crossworlds, you can summon and use up to three of these creatures at the same time. But first you have to find the cute pets in the game world.

The familiars available so far are:

  • Flower: A kind of flower fairy who helps flowers bloom and is just lovely, sweet and loyal.
  • Unferkel: A gruff little animal that lives underground and whacks around with a stick.
  • Stromer: This is a nasty fish that emits jolts of electricity.
  • Polar Bear: This extremely cute creature is really dangerous thanks to its ice horn!
  • Petromaton: This stone creature is a kind of guardian over ancient ruins. It can strike very hard.
  • Banger Man: This familiar is a kind of dragon and it can breathe fire.
  • Rimu: This creature is a living teddy created by a mage. He was supposed to act as a protector, but is not particularly brave. Therefore he wears a dinosaur costume.
  • Rambazamba: This creature is a little mess who dances around wildly and doesn’t take orders.
  • Pinguhorn: This familiar looks like a cross between a squeaking duck and a penguin with a horn. He wears fine threads and is a helpful gentleman.
  • Bourgeois Bourgeois: Contrary to their name, these creatures are brave fighters who bravely fight off their opponents with spears.

These are the mounts in the game: Mounts are a must in almost every RPG and Ni no Kuni; Cross Worlds is no exception. But where in other games you first have to put up with boring horses and donkeys, Cross Worlds goes right into the thick of things and presents you with truly wacky mounts. We present three particularly original examples here:

  • Catarumpus: Who still knows the legendary internet cat “Grumpy Cat”? In the game, there is a likewise quite grumpy-looking feline with silver eyes on which you can ride. Despite its grumpy mimicry, the kitty is a loyal mount on which you can nimbly travel the fantastic worlds of Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds.
  • Birby: Giant cats aren’t exotic enough for you? Then why not ride a fat, grim-faced sparrow into battle next! If you prefer such mounts, you can tame the pudgy bird Birby and saddle up.
  • Wing Glider: Cats are too hairy for you and the fat sparrow bounces too much? But a proverbial “hot stove” is right up your alley? Then look no further and get this mechanical glider, which flits through the wonderful regions of the game with plenty of steam.

What is the farm? By the way, you can house all your collected familiars in a separate building. This so-called “farm” is, so to speak, your own housing system for your animal companions.

In it, you can offer your pets a cosy place to live and also visit them and interact with them away from the field. If you want to make your pets especially comfortable, you can expand and decorate the farm to your heart’s content.

These are the other highlights of Ni no Kuni: Crossworlds

Which classes can you play? Another special feature of Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds are the 5 classes. They are assigned to one gender, but are otherwise freely customisable. Interesting detail: Since you also represent a player in the “real” world, each class is also assigned a character in the real life of the game. The classes and their special features are:

  • Sword Fighter: Here you get an all-round melee class that deals out a lot of damage. In real life, the Swordsman is a young office worker. He is helpful and dedicated. This class is exclusively male.
  • Witch: This class is also a damage dealer and its task is to destroy enemies. However, she fights with a magical spear from a distance. In real life, the witch is a young female student who stands out mainly because of her great ambition and intellect. The witch is always female.
  • Technician: This is also a ranged class. She uses firearms, flamethrowers and even summoned tanks! But despite this impressive arsenal, the Technician is not a pure damage class. She is a supporter who primarily heals and strengthens her allies. Behind the technician is a gifted student. This class is only available as a female.
  • Archer: This nimble ranged class uses a bow and can decimate groups of enemies with a hail of arrows. Like the technician, however, his focus is on support and healing. In real life, the archer is a little boy who likes to skateboard. This class is always male.
  • Destroyer: This class is a fearsome melee fighter who smashes everything to smithereens with a warhammer. He is also very tough and can withstand a lot. Therefore, he is the ideal “tank”, i.e. a class that can withstand a lot and thus prevent damage from less robust team members. In real life, however, the Destroyer is a peace-loving fellow who runs a flower shop. The Destroyer is always male.
(The 5 heroes in the game that you can embody. The gender is fixed but you can customise details).
(The 5 heroes in the game that you can embody. The gender is fixed but you can customise details).

    What are the kingdoms? As is common in RPGs, players can form guilds to explore the world in a more organised way. By the way, guilds establish real kingdoms in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds.

    These are fortified places where you construct buildings and cavort with your comrades. The buildings give you bonuses in the game and you can even wage wars against other guilds at certain times.

    By the way, the most successful guild in the game can make its kingdom the capital of the respective server and sit enthroned above the other guilds. At least until they are defeated and dethroned again.

    (The kingdoms in the game can get really epic.)
    (The kingdoms in the game can get really epic.)

    What does the game world look like? As already mentioned, the beautiful and fairytale-like style of the Ghibli studio was the inspiration for the look of the Ni No Kuni worlds. This is no different in Cross Worlds.

    So you can expect a beautiful game world that looks like a playable anime thanks to the cel-shaded look. So if you’ve always wanted to immerse yourself in an enchanting, colourful anime fairytale world, Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds is just the ticket.

    The game will be released on 25 May for PC, as well as mobile devices on iOS and Android. Register online now to receive special bonuses for your heroes at launch!

    (Here you can Register in Advance)