(I’m still online): The very last players are clinging to shutdown servers on dead consoles


In early April, the online functions of the Wii U and 3DS were switched off. However, a few fans just don’t want it to be over

On April 8, Nintendo is shutting down the servers for the WiiU and 3DS. This means that multiplayer for games such as Splatoon, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Pokémon X/Y or Mario Kart 7 and 8 can no longer be used.

Despite the shutdown, some players are still clinging to whatever is left of the servers.

The last Splatoon player

Via X, formerly Twitter, Lcd101 announces after the end of matchmaking, “Other online services, including news and the store, are still working, and I’m still online. I repeat, I am still online. “

Lcd101 can no longer play with others, because he is most likely the last Splatoon player on the Nintendo Network, he definitely wants to stay online as long as possible 

And he’s not alone

Lcd101 doesn’t seem to be the only fan who continues to cling on to Wii U and 3DS games. YouTuber Gaffs tries to keep tabs on all players and posts regular updates on X.

As of yesterday, a total of eight iron fans are persevering in various games. Number 8 only recently managed to somehow reappear online in Pokémon Ultra Sun. How players manage to stay online is currently unknown

In Pokémon X/Y there is also one player left. In Mario Kart 8, Super Mario Maker and Wii Sports Club there is also a lonely soul to be found. Gaffs even shared a video of the latest Sports Club enthusiast taking it easy while waiting for teammates, even though he’s very unlikely to find anyone.

Only Mario Kart 7 still has two people who don’t want to give up. If there was still matchmaking, they could play together. 

It is often the case that multiplayer games lose their online functions at some point. However, sometimes games also disappear from your own library, as the current case with Ubisoft’s racing game The Crew shows.

Is there a game that was particularly difficult for you to let go of? Which title are you still mourning today? Let us know in the comments.