In Star Citizen 4.0 you can get lost in the vastness of space due to a bug


The next major update contains the new star system Pyro, but even the journey there can be quite dangerous

The Alpha 4.0 forStar Citizenis scheduled for release in 2024, but developer Cloud Imperium Games has not yet revealed an exact date. The update will allow players to explore a completely new star system. Pyro is a place for outlaws and pirates where players can live out their outlaw fantasies

As the studio reveals in a Q&A video, the journey to Pyro can be quite a risky endeavor.

A leap into the unknown

To get to the new star system, you have to use so-calledJump Points. At these jump points, you can open a wormhole that will take you from the previously available system Stanton to Pyro

While you are navigating through the wormhole, you may encounter turbulence&nbsp. Smaller spaceships are particularly susceptible to this. However, larger ships also have a disadvantage because they can be hit more easily by debris or other obstacles&nbsp.

If your ship is too badly damaged, the wormhole may spit you out somewhere in space, leaving you stranded in the wasteland of space with severe damage

Your ship can even becompletely destroyedwhich will bring you back to your starting point.

How the Jump Points work

Between Stanton and Pyro there will be one fixed Jump Point and several that are only available for certain periods of time.

Requirement to use the Jump Points:

  • Your ship needs a jump drive and sufficient quantum fuel
  • Drive size and fuel quantity depend on ship size
  • Flight safety control must clear you for the jump
  • If your crime status is level 3 or higher, you are not allowed to jump
  • You must bring your ship to the jump point manually, during the jump you are in navigation mode

So using the jump points is not entirely safe. Because Pyro is supposed to be a bit like the Wild West of Star Citizen, the danger of getting there is actually quite fitting – anyone visiting the new star system is in for an adventure. The release of Alpha 4.0 is officially planned for the third quarter of 2024.