In the wacky shooter Cactus you play an angry desert plant, the demo is now available on Steam


Poking a cactus can be quite painful. But what happens when the cactus comes to life and starts firing its spines like a machine gun? That is the premise of Cactus. Here, as a desert plant, you seek revenge on the sun god who has gone mad and has your family on his conscience.

In the single-player shooter, you shoot spikes in continuous fire or as a destructive volley and form cactus blossoms, which you then use as grenades. The gameplay is reminiscent of Duke Nukem or Doom, you rush through desert levels at high speed and shoot entire hordes of lizards over the top.

Cactus is due to be released on Steam in March 2025, but if you want to slip into the green skin of the raging plant now, you can try out a free demo on Steam