(It’s a hell of a lot of fun) – Fans rejoice over new mission type in Helldivers 2


After the return of the Automatons, the shooter has been given a new type of evacuation: “Evacuate High-Value Assets” has been well received by the community

Helldivers 2 is keeping its fans on their toes: Just as they are celebrating the supposed victory over the Automaton faction, the bots are already attacking with a new fleet of machines. However, the community likes this quite a lot – not least because of a new mission type

We explain how the new defense challenge works and why it is so well received.

A touch of tower defense

What’s the new mission all about? Here is the most important information:

  • In these “Evacuate High-Value Assets” missions, you defend generators from increasingly powerful waves of enemies – a bit like in Tower Defense.
  • The Automatons throw themselves at you en masse, but instead of approaching from all sides as usual, they advance linearly towards their target through several airlocks.
  • There are several armored doors between the bot hordes and the target, which you can open or close. The Automatons will pound closed doors until they are broken, so the principle Hodor– applies here.
  • Tactical retreat is often the order of the day if the attackers become too powerful and a position can only be defended with heavy losses.

Although the missions are brutally difficult, most fans seem to have a lot of fun with them. Reddit user KrilitzK, for example has opened a thread in which he praises the developers:

The new mission type is fun as hell and is exactly what a defensive mission should be. (…) It would be great if we could get more multi-stage missions or maybe a bug equivalent because it’s just that good.

There’s a lot of encouragement in the comments, especially about the desire to be able to play this kind of defense against the Bug faction soon.

With the release of the new evacuation missions, many have apparently abandoned their predecessors. You have to evacuate civilians – which is apparently much less fun for parts of the community. User rallyspt08 puts it like this in a meme:

In response to the new mode…
byu/rallyspt08 inHelldivers

Some well-known Youtubers, who are currently focusing on Helldivers 2, are also giving the new tower defense game a lot of positive feedback. Stylosa, for example, shows just how dramatic it can be.

Have you already thrown on your armor, packed your magazines and traveled to Cyberstan to bring democracy to the new Automaton troops? How do you like the new mission – an exciting change or too frustrating for your taste? Let us know in the comments below: