Kingdom Come: The role-playing game hit costs only four euros instead of 40 on Steam with all DLCs


Medieval friends take note: the realistic role-playing game masterpiece Kingdom Come is currently available with all DLCs for less than a mug of mulled wine.

The game’s core feature is its authentic portrayal of the European Middle Ages That means the game places a great deal of emphasis on accurately showing how people lived back then. From castle construction to clothing to food, the developers have researched everything.

Sword fighting and the use of other historical weapons are also faithfully recreated. You can use the mouse to select the direction in which you want to block or strike, and you also have to manage your stamina. This may take some getting used to at the beginning.

The DLCs Treasures of the Past, From the Ashes, The Amorous Adventures of Bold Sir Hans Capon, Band of Bastards and Woman’s Lot expand the excellent base game with in-depth elements such as the work of a reeve, new quests and insights into the lives of women in the Middle Ages.

Why should you buy Kingdom Come: Deliverance?

The timing for starting Kingdom Come couldn’t be better, because… on February 2025, the long-awaited sequel Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 will be released, which should finally bring Heinrich’s revenge story to a crowning conclusion. You can see the first gameplay in the video above.

The upcoming holidays would now be the ideal time to catch up on its predecessor , if you haven’t already. And if there’s one topic that makes the GameStar community happy, it’s authentic medieval games. Here, Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an unreservedly recommendable investment.

Is Kingdom Come also on sale elsewhere?

Although the game is currentlyalso on offer at GOG, you can save the most by buying it on Steam. While GOG currently charges $Arand $6 for the Royal Edition with all DLC, the game is not discounted at all on the Epic Games Store at the moment.

Want more Steam tips and game recommendations? Then check out the link box above. There you will always find the latest GlobalESportNews articles about Valve’s sales platform.

Have you played Kingdom Come: Deliverance yet? What did you think of the combat system? And are you looking forward to the sequel? Let us know in the comments!