Larian is now finally done with Baldur’s Gate 3 and completely absorbed in the next game (this time for real!)


With patch 8, work on Baldur’s Gate 3 is complete and the studio announces that it will focus entirely on a new project in the future.

Since summer 2023, D&D fans and those who want to become fans have been able to indulge themselves in Baldur’s Gate 3, playing to their hearts’ content and according to all the rules of role-playing. Not only because the award-winning fantasy adventure offers an incredibly large world full of possibilities, but also because it is regularly provided with major updates.

This should finally be over after patch 8 As Larian boss Swen Vincke announced, the team is working hard on a new role-playing game.

“The story is not over yet.”

But it is for Larian’s Baldur’s Gate. That’s because post-production for this game is coming to an end. It is already known that the Belgian studio has no sequel in store after Baldur’s Gate 3. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t look forward to new adventures from Larian – and that’s already in the works.

In a post on Twitter/X, Vincke commented on a YouTube video that sheds light on the turbulent history of Baldur’s Gate 3.

I’ve become quite nostalgic – it’s been an incredible journey so far. But the story isn’t over yet. Stay tuned. I’ll try to skip the “dark night of the soul” moment though, if you don’t mind. gegenüber verriet Studio-Chef Vincke, wie die derzeitige Projektlage aussieht. Demnach konzentriere sich das Team momentan vollkommen auf die Arbeit am neuen Titel und es sei sogar eine »Mediensperre« verhängt worden. The preparatory work has already been completed to such an extent, but what kind of role-playing game it is has not yet been revealed

This will slowly ring in the end of an era. But before we finally lay down our enchanted scimitars and greatswords, major changes are planned for 2025.

In the articles linked above, you will find all the information you need about the new photo mode, cross-play, and a whole host of new subclasses.