LEC: Close win for FNATIC


In an extremely exciting match, FNATIC finally came out on top against the competition from Excel Esports by a narrow margin. Meanwhile, the Swiss eSports organization Team BDS rolled over Cologne-based SK Gaming.

The European top league LEC is slowly but surely moving towards the season highlight. While G2 and MAD Lions are already seeded for the third round, FNATIC, BDS, Excel and SK Gaming had to play in the lower bracket. For the teams, everything was and still is at stake – not only the crowning conclusion of a season that was played in three splits for the first time is at stake, but also the ticket for the upcoming World Championship.

One of the big favorites is G2 Esports, which won both the Spring and Summer Split Championships. In general, the team can approach the remaining games, together with the MAD Lions, more relaxed. Both teams have already qualified for the World Championship. This will take place again in Korea in 2023. The most important League of Legends event was last held there in 2018.

G2 Archrival FNATIC one round further

But there are still some matches to be played! Recently the last two matches of the first round were played. FNATIC had to deal with Excel Esports. The latter had already been allowed to play the MAD Lions in the upper bracket due to good performances, but the team from London went down without a sound with 3:0 against the Madrilenians.

Better things were to come for FNATIC. G2’s archrival was able to prevail in the end, but had to go the full distance. Only in game five and after being behind for some time, a clever fight near the Baron Pit brought the turnaround. FNATIC will now face Team BDS in round 2 of the Season Finals. The Swiss team could previously put SK Gaming in their place with a clear 3:0

More LEC in Korea?

The community is eager to see which team will emerge victorious from the match between BDS and FNATIC. This is a highly explosive matchup in that the winning team will earn the last guaranteed starting spot for the World Championship. However, the team that eventually finishes in fourth place will get another, one last chance to participate in the World Championship.

As Riot Games recently announced, there will be a qualifying match in Korea between the two fourth-place finishers in both the LEC and LCS.