Less than three months after its predecessor, the next Prince of Persia has already been leaked


The Lost Crown has just been released in 2024, but Ubisoft is far from finished. The Rogue Prince of Persia is allegedly being developed by a very, very interesting developer

It’s been an up and down ride with Prince of Persia. First the fans rejoice over the announced remake of the masterful Sands of Time, then said remake disappears into oblivion, instead Ubisoft announces Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown with a YouTube trailer that drives people up the wall. Too comic-like, too hip hop, and you don’t play a prince at all. The Lost Crown is then released in early 2024 and is … damn good. The press and fans are enthusiastic, but unfortunately the sales figures don’t win a flower pot

An up and down. Now, barely three months later, there is surprisingly already talk of the next Prince of Persia. And no, we’re not talking about Sands of Time. Unfortunately, there is still no sign of life for the remake.

But about The Rogue Prince of Persia, as leaker Tom Henderson calls it with recourse to anonymous sources . The new Prince of Persia is not only set to be released this year, but – according to Henderson – is being developed by exactly the right studio

Dead Cells meets Prince of Persia

According to leaks, The Rogue Prince of Persia is, as the name suggests, a roguelite, so most likely some kind of sidescroller in which you fight your way through procedurally generated dungeons, unlock upgrades, die and start all over again.

And behind the game are apparently absolute professionals in the genre: the makers of Dead Cells. If you haven’t played Dead Cells yet, you should urgently catch up, because this Metroidvania is one of the absolute best in the genre with its thrilling battles:

In Dead Cells you also fight your way through gruesome 2D dungeons, the focus here is on fast-paced combat and dozens of weapons, a driving soundtrack and spectacular effects. The ideas behind it could very well be married to Prince of Persia, but the same development studios do not automatically mean that a style is transferred one-to-one.

According to Henderson, the developers have been working on the new Prince of Persia for four years. The idea originated from a conversation at GDC 2019. Dead Cells, on the other hand, has not received any new DLC expansions since February 2024. However, the original developer Motion Twin now has its own sub-studios, which have taken over the further development of Dead Cells since 2020

The Rogue Prince of Persia is the first Ubisoft game since 2019 to be released directly at launch on Steam, albeit in Early Access. The devs want to develop the project in parallel with ongoing community feedback. Artistically, the game is inspired by Franco-Belgian comics, although it is not yet clear exactly which ones.

What do you think about it?