“Let me solo her” becomes a legend – Community celebrates special Elden Ring player


The player “Let me solo her” becomes a legend in Elden Ring. The community creates countless fan art and even cosplays about him.

In Elden Ring, several distinctive characters have already attracted attention. However, one particular player is celebrated by the entire community and becomes a legend just for rushing to the aid of arguably the most difficult boss in the game.

The player named “Let me solo her” is getting a lot of attention in the Elden Ring community for helping out desperate players against the boss Malenia in multiplayer mode. As his name already suggests, he faces the strong opponent alone and defeats her. The character is completely naked and wears only a clay pot on his head. Because of this, the community celebrates him and is grateful for the hero who takes out probably the hardest boss in Elden Ring in a special manner.

In the meantime, the interest in “Let me solo her” is so great that even quite a few fan arts, cosplays and even figures are created about the player. Even a comic book has been created about the hero by the community. The Reddit user Breckin101 wore a cosplay of “Let me solo her” at PAX East in Boston and even faced the boss Malenia there. In the meantime, there are also other players:inside who, however, wear the name “Let me solo me” or also “Let me solo you”.

These just run to the boss and let her destroy them mercilessly. The player of “Let me solo her” hasn’t missed all the hype either. On Reddit, the strange player, who is also known as “Little Tsuboi”, thanks the community for its support. The gamer only wants to help desperate players:inside with the boss and will continue to put his reputation symbol in front of Malenia’s boss room to do so in the future.