Life is Strange: Double Exposure shows extensive gameplay


On Thursday evening, Square Enix and Deck Nine held a livestream for Life is Strange: Double Exposure. In this stream, we not only got to see the first extensive gameplay material. We also got some insights into the story and game mechanics

Some years have passed since Max Caulfield used her special abilities to solve a crime against her best friend Chloe in her hometown of Arcadia Bay. Now she is a photographer at Caledon University and tries to leave her past behind her as far as possible. But it seems to catch up with her when she finds her friend Safi murdered on campus one evening. It seems to be an impossible crime that only Max can solve with her special abilities.

The new gameplay of Life is Strange: Double Exposure shows just how atmospheric it gets despite the paranormal murder mystery story

In Life is Strange: Double Exposure, protagonist Max no longer has the ability to rewind time. Instead, she is now able to switch between two time strands. In one of the strands, Safi’s murder has taken place, in the other she is still alive. Max can use these parallel worlds to solve the crime on the one hand. On the other hand, she must stop the murderer before he strikes again.

In this interview, Game Director Jonathan Stauder and Narrative Director Felice Kuan talk about Max’s new ability and the resulting game design. The university campus and its inhabitants adapt completely to the circumstances of the two timelines, resulting in new plot and investigation possibilities

Hannah Telle, who dubbed Max in the first part of the series, also has her say and talks about her own emotional journey with the character. You can watch her interview and her impressions of Life is Strange: Double Exposure here

Life is Strange: Which ending is canon?

Fans of the first part will remember that the first part with Max Caulfield presented us with a difficult decision: Do we save Arcadia Bay or someone important to us? Now the question naturally arises as to which of the two endings will be taken up in Life is Strange: Double Exposure. Deck Nine has found a middle ground here that should satisfy most fans: Both endings are canon.

In the course of the game, Safi engages you in a conversation in which she finally wants to find out more about Max’s past. In this conversation, you will be able to choose how the events in Arcadia Bay happened

Life is Strange: Double Exposure will be released on October 29 for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. The first two episodes will go online on October 15. A Switch edition will also be released!