Little Nightmares III: Here are 18 minutes of gameplay!


Bandai Namco and Supermassive Games taught us the creeps over the weekend with a first gameplay trailer of Little Nightmares III. In an eerie desert atmosphere, our protagonist duo must use their skills to get ahead

The time around Halloween is perfect to stir the advertising drum for horror games. Also Bandai Namco and Supermassive Games use this spooky time and released on Friday 18-minute gameplay trailer to Little Nightmares III.
In the video, the two protagonists Low and Alone traverse a crumbling building located in a gloomy desert landscape. To advance further, they have to use their tools and solve puzzles.

In the usual side perspective and uneasy atmosphere, we have to use our brain power again in Little Nightmares III. At least we are not on our own, but have either another person via online co-op or the AI with us.

To interact with the environment up close, the girl Alone uses her spanner She can use it, for example, to operate cranks to clear passages. To interact with more distant targets, the boy uses a bow and arrow For example, he uses it to scare up a crow to get the key it carries in its beak.

Little Nightmares III is currently still in development and should be released for PC and consoles in the course of next year. Please note that some of the gameplay may still change. You can find more information about the game in the following message.