LoL Patch 12.6 – New skins appear and Lifesteal is generated


Rengar gets the biggest change in League of Legends with patch 12.6. There are also several new skins for the champions.

The patch notes 12.6 were published on Tuesday and bring besides some adjustments to Lifesteal items also changes to several champions. However, there will also be new skins with a crazy sci-fi look for numerous characters.

In League of Legends, some champions are getting nerfs and buffs with patch 12.6. However, Rengar is getting a complete overhaul. The Q ability will now always deal critical damage. In addition, the champion can now throw his bolas immediately without a casting time. In addition, Rengar’s passive skill has been adjusted. With patch 12.6 in LoL, a resource bar for ferocity was added.

However, the update also has a lot of new skins for the champions up its sleeve. Riven, Miss Fortune, Vayne, Sylas, Jinx and Pyke can look forward to a sci-fi appearance. In addition, Jinx will receive a prestige skin and the champions will receive a matching chroma to go with their new appearance.

In League of Legends some champions get nerfs and buffs with the patch 12.6. However, Rengar is getting a complete overhaul. The Q ability will now always deal critical damage. In addition, the champion can now throw his bolas immediately without a casting time. In addition, Rengar’s passive skill has been adjusted. With patch 12.6 in LoL, a resource bar for ferocity was added.

However, the update also has a lot of new skins for the champions up its sleeve. Riven, Miss Fortune, Vayne, Sylas, Jinx and Pyke can look forward to a sci-fi appearance. In addition, Jinx will receive a prestige skin and the champions will receive a matching chroma to go with their new look.

With the patch 12.6 in League of Legends, Lifesteal items will also be adjusted. Immortal Shieldbow, Blade of the Ruined King and Vampiric Scepter have had their stolen lives reduced. Nevertheless, the shield of Immortal Shieldbow has been slightly increased and thus strengthens the life points a little more. Also the rune Legend: Bloodline had to lose some of the Lifesteal.

Article from 24.03.2022

The new patch 12.6 in League of Legends will be released on 30 March. Already a week before, Riot Games’ designer Phlox gave first information for the update via Twitter.

One thing that stands out in the preliminary patch notes, which could still change over the course of the next few days, are the entries under the system nerfs. There is a reason for this, however, because LoL developer Riot Games is pursuing a slow but sure strategy of moving healing items out of the centre of the action. Especially the Lifesteal value is affected, which enables players to restore their own life with damage caused by normal attacks.

The runes Fleet Footwork and Legend: Bloodline are likely to be generated by losing healing and lifesteal power respectively. Similar lifesteal effects are expected for Vampiric Scepter, Blade of Ruined King, Immortal Shieldbow and Bloodward (Ornn).

Meanwhile, the Ravenous Hunter rune is to be replaced by Treasure Hunter. This would allow more gold for each first enemy killed. In contrast to these changes, the planned champion adjustments look moderate, with one exception. In all likelihood, Azir, Darius, Jax and Nidalee will receive buffs, but according to the preview, Hecarim will suffer a setback in the base damage of his Q and E ability. Tryndamere will likely get an increased cooldown on his Ultimate.

Rengar in new glory

Champion Rengar will most likely get a new boost in the Summoner’s Rift with a mini rework. The jungler’s passive ability is expected to gain ferocity, while his Q ability is expected to always deal critical damage from the new patch – and this will even increase with critical hit chance. Riot Games thus wants to expand its previously random damage into reliable maximum damage, which will give the proud hunter more stability.