Looking for a good role-playing game? Be sure to check out Solasta on Steam sale now!


Think: Solasta: Crown of the Magister is cheaper than ever on Steam right now. A chance you should seize!

Personally, I pounce like a ravenous tiger on every oldschool role-playing game that comes under my nose. I simply love this genre and, as a passionate pen&paper player, I”m thrilled as soon as I”m allowed to accompany a hero party on an adventure. Some of you will certainly have noticed how I rave about Pathfinder or Baldur”s Gate.

But there is clearly more out there! The genre is still experiencing a very welcome renaissance and so new classic RPGs are coming onto the market quite regularly. One of them is Solasta: Crown of the Magister, released in 2021.

Solasta is one of those role-playing games that is very easily overlooked. Yet there is a fantastic experience in here! Especially now you should take a close look at this RPG, (on Steam it currently costs less than ever).

This is what Solasta is all about

You can think of Solasta as a slightly less opulent Baldur”s Gate 3 in some ways. Like its big competitor, the game relies on a very faithful implementation of the rules of DnD 5. Accordingly, you will find similar classes, spells or talents here. However, since DnD 5 is a rather streamlined system, you don”t have to use as much brainpower in the character generator as in Pathfinder, for example.

But I wouldn”t call Solasta stupid either. The selection of possible character builds is really large and allows for some quite exciting combinations. In addition, you have to use your head in the turn-based battles at the latest. In order to defeat the sometimes quite demanding masses of enemies, my heroes have to use every move as well as possible and be careful not to waste too many resources. Magic spells, for example, can only regenerate if the group of heroes rests at a designated place. And you won”t find many of those in a musty dungeon, a dark cave or a dusty ruin.

(If you''re resting in the wilderness, there may be unexpected raids around the campfire.)
(If you”re resting in the wilderness, there may be unexpected raids around the campfire.)

Spells can be useful tools outside of combat, though. After all, occasionally there are physical or mental challenges. When jumping over a gorge, it can sometimes help to flutter through the air using magic.

And why all the drudgery? Of course, it”s about a great threat that reveals itself only gradually. It has to do with a group of shape-shifting lizards infiltrating the kingdom and, to make matters worse, one of your heroes is wearing a crown that he or she just can”t get off their head.

What makes Solasta special

So Solasta has a lot in common with various other role-playing games. Unlike Pathfinder or Pillars of Eternity, however, the game at least relies on a more cinematic presentation in dialogues – even if it doesn”t come close to Baldur”s Gate 3 graphically and doesn”t look quite as fresh as it used to.

But hey, all the conversations are completely set to music! And that is something that not many classic role-playing games can boast. Especially not when no prefabricated characters can actually be part of your group.

Unlike the competition, Solasta doesn”t have any permanent party members that have been created by the developers themselves. Instead, you build your own party of four at the beginning. A gang of dwarves? A group full of melee fighters? Four halflings on a great journey? Anything is possible!

You can even give each character a personality. This way, even the generator heroes behave according to their character in the dialogues. This makes the whole group feel equal, instead of companions simply chasing after the chosen one, as in many other role-playing games.

Since April 2022, Solasta also has multiplayer, then each of your friends can play their very own hero.

For whom it is suitable, and for whom not

Solasta may not be as complex as Pathfinder, nor as pretty as Baldur”s Gate 3. And yet, this role-playing game just feels really good! It doesn”t tell an overly complicated story, but concentrates on the essentials and can even be played relatively quickly. I myself needed less than 50 hours for the complete story.

But Solasta is especially suitable if you like to experiment with your own characters. I know that many role-playing game fans love the personal stories of prefabricated companions. But it has a unique appeal to make up each hero yourself. Especially since in this case they are not wordless hangers-on. Each hero takes part in the conversations and you immediately feel that Solasta is breathing real life into your creation.

(Solasta doesn''t slay us with abilities or items, but is delightfully uncluttered and would rather do one thing right than a hundred things wrong.)
(Solasta doesn”t slay us with abilities or items, but is delightfully uncluttered and would rather do one thing right than a hundred things wrong.)

If you want a polished RPG with a masterfully written story and endless skill choices – then Solasta might not be for you. But if you”re simply in the mood for some strategically challenging combat and enjoy spending time generating characters, don”t let Solasta languish on Steam any longer!

Have you played Solasta yet or are you planning to do so soon? Feel free to tell us what you like about the game in the comments! Of course you can also tell us what you don”t like about it. Or just write what your personal hero group looks like!