Looking for an Ultrawide Fix for Space Marine 2? We can help


Currently Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 does not support Ultrawide resolutions. With a fix it still works

We hear you, ultrawide enthusiasts! You boughtSpace Marine 2to make your 34-inch monitor really glow with all its graphic splendor – and then the new Warhammer shooter torments your connoisseur eyes with annoying black bars because the thing can only be played in 16:9.

But don’t worry, we’ll help you with a first ultrawide fix. We writefirst because the problem should be solved officially soon anyway. The developers are already planning to add ultrawide support in Season 1. So if you want to be patient a little longer, you can save yourself all the .exe manipulation

For all the impatient ones: Let’s get started.

How to play Space Marine 2 in Ultrawide

Important: If you modify the .exe,you can no longer play in online co-op! This means that the fix is only suitable for solo players who want to play the single-player campaign in offline mode. Everyone else will have to be patient until the official fix

The developers of Space Marine 2 previously developed the zombie shooter World War Z, which shares many similarities with Space Marine 2 in terms of technology and horde design. So much so that the ultrawide fix for World War Z also works for Space Marine. Let’s go through it step by step

  1. You downloadthe Ultrawide Fix Your virus scanner will probably fail, but in this case you can ignore it for once.
  2. You go to your Space Marine files. By default for Steam users underC:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonSpace Marine 2client_pc
  3. Create a backup copy of theWarhammer 40000 Space Marine 2 – Retail.exeso that you can undo all changes with one click in case of doubt. Simply copy the .exe and rename it so that you can find it again.
  4. Now start the Ultrawide Fix and select the originalWarhammer 40000 Space Marine 2 – Retail.exeas the target file.
  5. Create a .txt file in the same folder (rootinpc), which you call steam_appid.txt. Simply put the sequence of numbers 2183900in there (without quotation marks).
  6. Start the game by clicking on the modified .exe and ignore the error messages. Space Marine 2 should now run in Ultrawide.

In this YouTube video you can see the result if you follow this guide. In the description there is also a link with further details if you want to adjust the FOV:

If you want to undo the changes, simply delete the .txt and the modified .exe and rename the backup copy. We recommend that you wait for the official fix anyway, as this will save you all the risks of incompatibilities in online mode.

After all, Season 1 is set to launch in September 2024, so you’ll have to be patient for a maximum of two more weeks before you can casually play the game in Ultrawide to feast your eyes on