Lords of the Fallen 2 presents extra long new gameplay


For the second part of the Soulslike action RPGs Lords of the Fallen, (Hexworks) seems to be working hard. At least that’s what the new, almost 20-minute gameplay suggests, which can now be seen on YouTube. The walkthrough trailer features commentary and shows all-new, never-before-seen gameplay footage of the fantastically dark world of Lords of the Fallen.

In the semi-open game world, which is set millennia before the events of the first part and thus, like the story, stands on its own, we must face the demon god Adyr. To do this, we have access to a gigantic arsenal of weapons and spells that our hero can use. You can already see some of them in the gameplay presentation.

Also making a good impression is the presented duality and great feature of the world of Lords of the Fallen 2, the 2 realms, Axiom, as well as its undead counterpart, Umbral. Both have a mystical synergy that needs to be explored. Both worlds are interconnected and need to be explored by us. On 13 October 2023, Lords of the Fallen will finally be released for PC, Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5, so we don’t have to wait long to begin our magical journey.

Already, fans and some critics are predicting that the triple-A title will be the best Soulslike of the year. The fact that the developers are already presenting such detailed gameplay a few months before the release is already hopeful. And indeed, Lords of the Fallen 2 looks very impressive with its art design and far away from generic 0815 fantasy. Let’s hope that the final result will also be impressive and well ported for all platforms.

Another Soulslike that has just been released and is a breath of fresh air in the genre is (Remnant 2).