Lost Ark: All information on the Battle Pass


A Battle Pass for the MMO was announced in the official forums. We have collected all the information on what this could look like in the European version of Lost Ark.

A new developer video for Lost Ark is causing speculation: Will the European version of the MMO also receive a Battle Pass at the beginning of the season? And how will this work? We have collected all the information currently available about a possible Ark Pass and summarised it in this article.

Is a Battle Pass coming for Lost Ark?

Update: In the meantime, it has been officially confirmed in the (Lost Ark Forum) that the Battle Pass with the name Ark Pass will be coming. We will apparently learn more in the patch notes for the April update on 21 April.

Original report: The Battle Pass for the European version of Lost Ark has not yet been officially confirmed. However, there has already been such a model for the Asian region since summer 2021. It is certainly not far-fetched that Smilegate has similar plans for Europe, and there is already a concrete indication.

In a recently published video for the PvP Season, a symbol with the words “Ark Pass” appears in the HUD in several places. That sounds suspiciously like a kind of Battle Pass. You can also watch the video here:

What is a Battle Pass?

A Battle Pass is usually a way to earn additional items and rewards by completing certain tasks. Often, Battle Passes are paid for and offer exclusive rewards or accelerate your game progress. In addition, they are usually only available for a certain period of time and are then replaced by a new Battle Pass.

When will the Battle Pass for Lost Ark be available?

Update: Apparently the Battle Pass will be released with the update on 21 April. At least details about the Ark Pass are said to be mentioned in the patch notes – therefore it can also be assumed that it will be available with the update.

Original message: As the Battle Pass has not yet been officially announced, it is difficult to say when its launch is planned. There are no references to the Ark Pass in the roadmap for April and May so far, which is why it can be assumed that the feature will only appear later. Of course, the pass could also be added surprisingly without announcement.

By the way, a preview of the next known content can also be found in the latest trailer:

How does the Battle Pass work?

Basically, the Battle Pass will probably look at least similar to the model from the Asian version. Here you get rewards when your passport increases in level. Every five levels there are more valuable gifts up to the maximum level of 30. You level up your pass by completing certain tasks, which usually complete themselves through active play.

For example, you have to complete a raid, fight your way through dungeons or kill a certain number of bosses. Apparently, there is a new pass about every three months on average and you have enough time to complete all the tasks while playing. The rewards are mainly silver, resources, pets and mounts, as well as special items and cosmetic items.

How much will the Battle Pass cost?

The good news is: You probably won’t have to pay anything for the Battle Pass if you don’t want to. Because there are three different versions, at least in Asia, one of which is completely free. A Premium Pass, on the other hand, costs about 20 euros, while you’ll have to shell out about 50 euros for a Super Premium Pass.

Our colleagues from MeinMMO already took a closer look at the Battle Pass last year and summarised the differences between the three versions:

(~) With the free pass you could grab one million silver, a mount, a lot of resources and a legendary map pack.

(~) The Premium Pass offered all the content of the free version but also a lot more resources, more items and an exclusive pet.

(~) In addition to all the content from the Premium Pass, the Super Premium Pass contained mainly cosmetic items, but also 500 blue crystals, which count as real money currency.

Due to numerous possibilities to accelerate the game’s progress with real money and the sometimes escalating grind until the end game, Lost Ark is currently also criticised. That’s why we asked you.

What do you think of the introduction of a Battle Pass? Do you see it as a useful addition and a good way to get more resources for free? Or are you still sceptical about whether the prices are really fair? Feel free to write us your opinion in the comments!