Lost Ark: Broken matchmaking and co. – Amazon comments on problems


Waiting queues, missing crystalline aura, broken matchmaking – Lost Ark continues to suffer from many problems. Now Amazon has released a statement.

Imagine it’s Sunday lunchtime and you want to play a round of Lost Ark on the Central Europe servers. Once you have survived the hour-long queue and are finally in the game, you are suddenly missing your Crystalline Aura, which you bought for a lot of money. And since the matchmaking has been broken for days, you can also cross group activities like the Abyss dungeons off your to-do list.

This is probably what happened to many Lost Ark players over the weekend who joined the MMO at its Early Access launch. Amazon Games has now commented on the ongoing problems in an extensive (Statement) on Monday night. However, this does not give much hope for immediate improvement.

Amazon speaks out about the biggest problems


The most well-known problem that every player on Asta or other EU Central servers regularly has to deal with are the queues. But it seems that these will be with you for a long time.

According to Amazon, the number of players per server cannot be increased any further and new servers in the Central Europe region cannot be added either. Amazon does not mention any prospect of solving the queuing problem – it only refers to the new server region Western Europe.

Character transfer / server change

Many players would like to change the server or even the region, if this did not mean that they would have to leave behind all the progress they have made and the money they have invested. However, Amazon once again rejects the hope of character transfers: although this function was recently integrated into the game in Korea, it does not yet exist in the western version of the game.

In addition, the server transfers have some disadvantages: they are only carried out once a week in Korea and only work within one server region. So in this form it wouldn’t do much good for the Central European servers anyway.

Amazon also rejected the wish to be able to use the free Powerpass (boost to level 50) on other servers.

Matchmaking / Crystalline Aura

For days now there has been the problem that after logging in the crystalline aura is no longer active for many players. In addition, the matchmaking servers are completely overloaded at peak times, so that entering chaos dungeons, guardian raids and other instanced content can sometimes take half an eternity or even not be possible at all.

According to Amazon, a hotfix was rolled out in the night from Sunday to Monday that should at least partially resolve these problems. However, the developers are still working with Smilegate RPG on a long-term solution. We have not yet been able to verify whether the hotfix has really helped – since there are already queues again on Monday morning.