Lost Ark Endgame Guide: Freshly Level 50, Now What?


Once you reach level 50 in Lost Ark, a completely different game awaits you. In our guide we explain how you can progress in the endgame.

Despite crowded servers and endless queues, you have somehow managed to reach level 50 after hundreds of quests in Lost Ark? Then congratulations! But your journey through Arkesia is just beginning, because now the endgame finally starts.

So that you don’t have to start the most important part of the game completely at a loss, we have a guide for all players who have just reached level 50. We explain which activities are waiting for you now, what you should definitely do first and which mistakes you should avoid.

Quick Navigation

  • Complete the Northern story
  • On to Shushire
  • Chaos Dungeons
  • Guard Raids
  • Upgrade your item set
  • Abyss Dungeons
  • Island Quests
  • Unas Tasks
  • The Cube
  • Shadow Tip

1. play the Northern story to the end

If you’re one of those people who didn’t rush to the top level as described in our leveling guide and prefer to take all the side quests, you should probably still be somewhere on the steampunk continent of Arthentine when you reach level 50.

You now have two options:

  • Continue playing as normal and complete the story of the continent
  • Get on your ship and sail straight to the port of Northern.

So or so: The point where you enter Nord-Vern is more or less the beginning of the Endgame. Here you first have to complete a small quest series that ends with the quest “Ealyn’s Gift”. This not only rewards you with two power passes with which you can boost two more characters to level 50, but also unlocks the next continent of Shushire. Find out why this is so important in the next section.

2. Let’s go to Shushire (Optional)

Once you have completed the quest line in Northern, you will get the Stormbreaker ship. This allows you to break through the thick chunks of ice in the sea off the continent of Shushire. You should do this as soon as possible, because here – as in every new area – the next series of quests is already waiting for you.

For completing the quest you will receive a wish chest, which contains a complete set for your class. This has item level 302 and allows you to tackle the first chaos dungeons and guardian raids.

3rd Chaos Dungeons

Once you’ve had your fill of questing, you can skip Shushire for now and just jump straight into the first Chaos Dungeon. Even if your item level is not yet high enough for the group quest, you should be able to conquer the first Northern Chaos Dungeon easily on your own, even with a lower item level. To do so, simply go to one of the access points that you will find in all the main cities, such as Luterra Castle or Vern Castle.

How the Chaos Dungeons work: The process is extremely simple and is reminiscent of the Rifts in Diablo 3 – except that the enemies spawn directly at you and there are virtually no running paths. You simply have to clear three levels full of mobs, either alone or with random players.

Here you can find the same set pieces that you get from the wish chest in Shushire. However, you will probably need two or three attempts to actually get all the pieces (helmet, chest, shoulders, trousers, gloves, weapon).

Also, the Chaos Dungeons are the primary source of Harmony Fragments and Guardian Stone Fragments, which are important for upgrading your first set. But more on that later.

4th Guardian Raids

The second end-game activity that you should also complete twice each day is the Guardian Raids. These are clearly inspired by the Monster Hunter games, because here you go – also alone or with others – on the hunt for a single, huge boss monster. You can also easily enter the raids from any capital city.

To give you an idea of how both chaos dungeons and guardian raids work, we have recorded the first stages for you in a video. And if this looks too easy for you: Later levels are much harder and more complex!

You can get Guardian Stone Fragments, Destruction Stone Fragments and Harmony Jump Stones as rewards here. Along with the harmony fragments, these are the upgrade materials needed to upgrade your first item set from Shushire and the Chaos Dungeons respectively.

5. upgrade your item set!

Once you have successfully completed both the Chaos Dungeon and the Guardian Raid, you can finally start upgrading your equipment. To do so, go to the corresponding NPC and select the item Upgrade.

Upgrading itself is quickly explained: Each of your pieces of equipment has an experience point bar, which you have to fill up to 100 percent by spending harmony fragments. You then use your earned Guardian Stone Fragments, Destruction Stone Fragments, Harmony Fragments and Harmony Jump Stones to upgrade the item by one level

Up to an upgrade level of +6, upgrading is always guaranteed to work with a 100% probability. After that, the probability decreases by ten percent every two levels. So if you want to upgrade your item to +7 or +8, there is a ten percent chance that the upgrade will fail and all materials needed for the upgrade will be lost. If you upgrade to +9 or +10, the chance of failure is 20 percent.

However, each failed upgrade increases the chance that the next one will be successful – so don’t lose heart if the upgrade fails.

6. abyss dungeons

Once you have increased your average item level to +4, you can try your hand at the Abyss Dungeons. Here you will get plenty of gold as well as oaths of the knight, which you can use to create an epic set. This does not have a higher item level than the blue set, but it has better stats. You can then simply transfer your upgrade levels from the blue, rare set to the epic purple set.

But beware: The Abyss Dungeons are significantly harder than the Chaos Dungeons or Guardian Raids you have completed before. Ideally, you should have a group of four friends or guild members. Alternatively, you can try to find a suitable team via the group search, as there are often experienced players here. However, if you try the normal matchmaking, you will have to be prepared for many deaths – especially if you don’t know the bosses yet.

The Abyss dungeons are cool.
The Abyss dungeons are cool.

Why is it so hard? The Abyss dungeons are like the raids in World of Warcraft. First you clear the area of trash mobs and then face two really challenging boss fights. Later Abyss dungeons in particular require a lot of coordination and the use of combat items such as grenades.

7. island quests

In order to collect more upgrade materials, permanent bonuses and other rewards, you should explore the numerous islands that await you in the sea of Lost Ark. Each small island offers a small quest series that you can complete in five to 30 minutes.

It doesn’t really matter where you start your journey across the islands. However, make sure that you have the right item level – you can see this by moving the mouse pointer over an island on the world map.

We started our island journey on the Island of Tranquillity, east of North Luterra. You can see the position here:

8. Una’s tasks

Una’s tasks are the daily quests of Lost Ark. Every day you can complete three of them. You can choose which ones you want to complete. Simply open the overview by pressing Alt+J and pick three tasks.

We recommend choosing tasks that reward you with harmony stones. These are most likely to be lacking once you have reached higher levels of upgrading.

There are also weekly tasks that you should not forget.
There are also weekly tasks that you should not forget.

Once you have completed a task, you can accept it again the following day and, if you wish, complete it automatically – but you will need a ticket from the in-game shop.

Our tip: If you have activated the Crystalline Aura, you will receive two additional Bifrost slots. You can use these to teleport directly to the locations of the Daily Quests.

9. the cube

You will also need a ticket if you want to enter the cube. However, you cannot buy this ticket, you can only get it with luck from the Chaos Dungeons or for Sylmael Bloodstones. You can even use several tickets at once when entering to increase the rewards gained.

However, this is risky as you have to fight your way through up to 19 different levels in the cube. Different tasks await you: Killing normal mobs, Killing elite enemies, Killing a boss or simply surviving for a certain amount of time.

Your reward increases with each level you complete. However, if your entire team dies, you will go home without a reward.

10th Shadow Tip

The Shadow Spire is a tower that you can only tackle alone. There are 50 different levels that you have to conquer. The main battles are against trash mobs and elite opponents, but occasionally there are special challenges such as small puzzles.

You can get many useful items as rewards: engraving guides, potions (permanent value increases), map packs and much more. You can try out the tower at any time and an infinite number of times, but you must have reached a certain item level to be allowed to enter later levels at all.

  • Floor 01: Item Level 302
  • Floor 05: Item Level 340
  • Floor 10: Item Level 380
  • Floor 15: Item Level 400
  • Floor 20: Item Level 420
  • Floor 25: Item Level 440
  • Floor 30: Item Level 460
  • Floor 35: Item Level 480
  • Floor 40: Item Level 500
  • Floor 45: Item Level 520
  • Floor 50: Item Level 540

Have you made it to the endgame yet? How do you like the different challenges? And do you have any more tips to share? Then feel free to share them in the comments!