Lost Ark Level Guide: The fastest way to level 50


You want to level up fast in Lost Ark? We give you 6 tips to reach level 50 as fast as possible in our guide.

In Lost Ark there are some good reasons to want to reach level 50 quickly: Maybe the story doesn’t interest you at all? Or the leveling process is too undemanding for you? Maybe you just want to get to the end game so you can finally hunt for loot in raids? Or use the power pass to quickly get more level 50 characters because you don’t like your current class after all?

It doesn’t really matter why – if you want to know how to reach level 50 as quickly as possible, we’ll be happy to help you.

1: Skip the prologue

When you have created your first character and chosen your class in Trixion, you will first be sent to a prologue in which you experience a small adventure with some pirates. The reward here is an engineer’s goggle, which is merely a cosmetic helmet skin.

You won’t miss out on experience, money or anything else if you simply skip this one by clicking the button at the top left of the screen. You can also get the engineer glasses later by playing the prologue with a new character.

2: Don’t waste time on side quests

The most important tip: Lost Ark is full of hundreds of sidequests. Most of them are also placed in a very user-friendly way: If you just accept a main quest, you can usually also accept two or three sidequests right nearby. However, the stinking normal side quests, which are only marked with a yellow exclamation mark, are not worthwhile at all.

Since they offer much more experience points, you should mainly stick to the orange main quests – at least until you eventually get your own ship. Because then you have to follow the world quests marked with a light blue globe icon.
There are exceptions to the rule. Occasionally, when you enter a certain area, you will get an area quest that has a red quest marker and a time limit. You should always complete these, as the XP you receive is significantly higher than with other side quests. Also, be sure to complete the companion quest, which is unlocked early in the game after the demon attack on Prideholm.

All other quests, such as squad quests, some of which give really useful rewards like skill points or stats potions, you can always do later. If necessary, you can also do them on a new character, because these bonuses apply to all of your characters.

3: Play in an empty channel

For maximum efficiency, you should always be able to find the appropriate mobs and items you need for your current task. In full channels this is sometimes difficult when other players destroy whole groups of enemies without you being able to land a hit on them for the quest progress beforehand. If you have this problem, you should switch to an emptier channel – simply by clicking on the top right above the minimap.

4: Fight effectively

To complete your quests quickly, you should keep your fights as short as possible. Ideally, how do you do this?

Distribute your skill points across a few strong skills with large casting ranges rather than across your entire build. Ideally, you want to kill normal enemies with the use of only one skill.
If you need to kill mobs for a quest, pull them into larger groups and then position yourself to hit them all in one shot.
Only kill as many enemies as you need to complete the task at hand. Anything more than that is wasted time, as you’ll get next to no XP for it.))

5: Do the dungeons alone and on normal

Occasionally the main story will take you into dungeons. You should do these alone to get through them as quickly and effectively as possible. It sounds harsh, but other players will only get in the way here if they dawdle around or don’t want to skip the cutscenes.

Also, you should complete the dungeons on normal difficulty. They do offer better rewards on Hard, but since you’ll be whizzing through the story at lightning speed anyway, they’ll soon be superfluous again – you’ll get something better from quests a short time later.

6: Use mounts, triporters and movement skills!

At least as important as completing the quests quickly is getting from one to the other. For this, you should definitely keep the following tips in mind:

  • Always use your mount! Saddling up to your mount only takes half a second. Also, use your mount’s jump skill as often as possible for a quick speed boost. If you have the Cerberus mount from the Platinum Edition, you can even jump twice in a row and save a few seconds when travelling around.
  • Never forget to activate the triporters scattered around the map and use this fast travel option extensively. Even for short distances that don’t take you more than 20 seconds on the mount.
  • If you are travelling in zones where you cannot saddle up – for example in story scenarios or dungeons – you should use skills with which you can cover a few metres. Don’t forget to use the space bar to dodge. Only on the pistol lancer should you avoid this, as it jumps back when you press the key.