Lost Ark: New raid will be a tough nut to crack even for end-game veterans




The first Abyss Raid for Lost Ark will be released in March and brings a whole new threat with Argos. We tell you what you need to know about the raid.

Lost Ark has been released for about a month, and already the first new content is coming. The first major update for the MMO is due to be released in March and, in addition to fresh story content, will also bring a completely new challenge: the first Abyss Raid.

This is the first major end-game content, which is primarily aimed at players who are already very well equipped. But if you’ve only just reached level 50, then take a look at our Endgame Guide:

Lost Ark Endgame Guide: Freshly Level 50, Now What?

The Abyss Raids are something of a royal class in Lost Ark: They are particularly challenging, but at the same time offer rare rewards when successfully completed. With Argos, the first of these raids is now imminent.

Abyss Raid: What you need to know about Argos

Argos is a large, white stag who was once a guardian of Arkesia before turning away and defecting to Chaos. He then set his sights on conquering the region of Punika, but in the nick of time, the guardian Albion prevented worse. More than 500 years have passed since then and now Argos senses a new chance to turn his plan into reality.

Albion cannot help this time, however, which is why it is now your task to stop Argos. For this, the Abyss Raid Statue activates in the major cities of Arkesia, from which you can enter Argos and other Abyss Raids in the future.


How many players does it take to do the Abyss Raid?

Unlike the previous endgame content, the Abyss Raid requires a total of eight players. In return, you will end up in two different groups with four players in each group.

What are the requirements?

In order to be able to join Abyss Raids, you must complete the corresponding guide quest. Afterwards, you can select the Abyss Raid statue in one of the large cities of Argos – however, you will need a very high item level for this, which only a few players will be able to fulfil at the moment.

The raid against Argos is divided into three separate phases, each with its own item level requirements:

1st Phase: Item Level 1370

2nd Phase: Item Level 1385

3rd Phase: Item Level 1400

You can tackle each phase individually and do not have to complete all three phases to receive a reward.

A white stag with mighty armour: Argos is the first Abyss Raid Boss and confronts you in three phases.
A white stag with mighty armour: Argos is the first Abyss Raid Boss and confronts you in three phases.


How often do you get rewards for Argos?

You can get a reward for each phase once a week. This means that if you complete all three phases per week, you will receive three rewards.

The rewards include rare materials, which you can then use to create powerful equipment.

Is there matchmaking for the raid?

As with the other end-game content, you can also use matchmaking for the Abyss Raid or search for a specific group via the statue.

However, it should be said that the raids are particularly tricky and an agreement is very helpful. At one point in the raid, for example, you have to decide in a short time whether to stand on a sun or moon symbol in order to survive. The mechanics are presented to you in a Twitter video:

In addition, there is a time limit and the number of revivals is limited. With a well-rehearsed group, Argos should therefore become a little easier.

When will the update with the Abyss Raid be released?

There is no exact date yet. According to Amazon, the first content update for Lost Ark will be released in March – more details will follow soon.

Besides the Abyss Raid, there will be further content in the update. Among other things, the story of the MMO will be continued in new areas:

Lost Ark: New story and raid coming as early as March

And if Lost Ark has overwhelmed you so far with all its mechanics, currencies and different systems, then we’ll help you out with our guides.

Lost Ark Guide: The best classes for beginners with expert tips

Lost Ark PvP: All info on unlocking, modes, rewards & more

Lost Ark: Overview of all mounts and mounts

Are you ready for Argos and its three phases or is the first Abyss Raid still way too early for you? Tell us what you think about the Lost Ark endgame so far and the upcoming Argos raid in the comments!