Lost Ark: New video introduces the martial arts classes


There are only a few days left until the release of Lost Ark on 11 February 2022. Fittingly, Amazon recently began to present the classes of the upcoming online role-playing game in more detail.

After the presentation of the warrior, assassin and gunner classes, the martial artists now follow. Once again, Arekkz Gaming takes a close look at the basic classes as part of Amazon’s advertising campaign and presents the four specialisations you will have to choose from early on in the game.

In detail, for male characters, this is the Striker, which focuses on elemental attacks and speedy combos. On the female character side, there are three different subclasses to choose from: Soul Fist, War Dancer and Scrapper. While the War Dancer is not dissimilar to the Striker, Soul Fist and Scrapper stand out much more strongly.