Lost Ark: What is the Max Level and how fast can you reach it?


To reach the highest level in Lost Ark, you need to allow some time. There are also differences between character and account levels. We have all the information for you.

Whoever creates a character in Lost Ark will certainly ask themselves the question: Where is the level limit? After all, the leveling phase in an MMO is usually a real time-eater, and with one or two hours invested after work, you usually won’t get very far.

Not so in Lost Ark. Here you are supposed to get to the endgame as quickly as possible in order to tackle the really challenging content together with other players. In addition, your level is split into a character level and an account level. What this means is explained in this FAQ.

The level system in Lost Ark

Where is the current level cap? When Lost Ark is also released in a final version in the West on 11 February 2022, it will stop at level 55. This limit will of course be raised over time as fresh content is integrated into the game.

How long do I have to play to reach the maximum level? Of course, it is difficult to give an exact number of hours because of the individual play style. While some run through the level phase, others like to look at every stone and every leaf and forget the time. Nevertheless, an average can be determined: New players should expect 15 to 20 hours of play to reach the maximum level. But it can also be done much faster: the current record is just under ten hours.

When can I take part in PvP battles? Those who fear that they won’t be able to engage in PvP battles until they reach the highest level can breathe a sigh of relief. This used to be the case in Lost Ark, but the developers have now reacted to player feedback and have already unlocked PvP from level 27. All further information on this (can be found here).

Why should I level up more than one character? The principle of so-called alts in MMOs is well known and is also recommended in Lost Ark. This is because a certain number of alternative characters that you can play allows you to unlock end-game content faster, which lies behind a time gate. This includes certain quests that you can only complete once a day per character, and instances/raids that you have to wait a few days after completing before you can tackle them again.

Leveling multiple characters allows you to bypass such time limits. In addition, your account level will also increase more quickly. The what? Just read on!

What is the difference between account and character level? In Lost Ark there are two separate levels that are relevant for you:

  • The character level: Simply, this is the well-known level information of your actively played character. The higher their level, the stronger they are and the better skills they can use. Level 50 unlocks a whole range of end-game content.
  • The account level: This value increases more slowly and increases as you level up all your characters. Therefore, as mentioned above, playing multiple characters is recommended. Your account level unlocks account-wide bonuses, such as a vitality boost for your characters or crystal chests that grant you more of the valuable in-game currency.

    So you see: Leveling in Lost Ark is not just a simple accessory, but an essential part of the game.