Marvel Rivals Season 1: Everything we know about the release, heroes and battle pass


In the first season, the hero shooter with the Fantastic Four gets its first new addition. We”ll tell you what else is known about the upcoming content so far.

Marvel Rivals is currently one of the top titles on Steam, and fans of the hero shooter can look forward to new content soon. After Season 0 ends on January 10, a new season is coming with new heroes, new maps, and a new battle pass.

Some of the new additions have already been officially confirmed, but other content has also been leaked. We”ll tell you everything that is known so far and what is being rumored.

  • Release: When does Season 1 start and end?
  • Heroes: Who will be joining us in Season 1?
  • Maps: Which maps will be joining us in Season 1?
  • Battle Pass: What is known about the new Battle Pass?

Release: When does Season 1 start and end?

The exact start date of Season 1 has not yet been officially announced. However, in a developer video about the Marvel Rivals roadmap, there was talk of “early January”. So it is likely that the first season will begin shortly after Season 0 ends on January 10.

The latter was a small appetizer for the release, and the “real” seasons should be significantly longer. About three months are planned for each season, so you”ll have plenty of time to get to know the new content.

Heroes: Who will be joining in Season 1?

With each new season, new heroes should be added. Already confirmed are the Fantastic Four: Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch and The Thing There will be a trailer on January 6th at 5pm German time.

In addition to the official new additions, some unconfirmed heroes have been leaked. One of them is the A.I. Ultron, for whom the complete moveset has even been revealed. Leakers suspect that Ultron will also be added in Season 1.

In addition to the heroes for Season 1, numerous other new additions have been leaked, but their release date is not yet known. According to the Twitter account @MRivalsUpdates:

  • Angela
  • Blade
  • Captain Marvel
  • Deadpool
  • Emma Frost
  • Hit-Monkey
  • Jean Grey
  • M.O.D.O.K.
  • The Hood
  • Valkyrie

Please be aware that this information has not been confirmed and that characters can be canceled again.

Maps: Which maps will be added in Season 1?

no official announcements It has only been confirmed that new maps will be released with each season. However, leakers have also found some information here. According to the Twitter account @FumoLeaks, three new maps will be added soon: Krakoa, Arakkoe and New York City.

The data miner @X0X_LEAK also discovered references to Thebes in Egypt and other maps. This data miner had already correctly predicted the release of Fantastic Four.

Again, take this info with a grain of salt. Even if the dates are correct, it doesn”t mean that all this content will be released, let alone added to the first season.

Battle Pass: What is known about the new Battle Pass?

Nothing official is known about the Battle Pass yet either.But since the first season has a longer duration than Season 0, it will most likely be more extensive. There will be free goodies to collect again and a luxury pass filled with skins, icons, and other cosmetics.

You also don”t have to worry about missing out on rewards. In Marvel Rivals, Battle Passes don”t expire, and you can still get old rewards even after they”ve ended.

Marvel Rivals is currently reaching up to 400,000 concurrent players every day and is very popular. Nevertheless, there is still room for improvement, as you can read in the article linked above. In the box, you will also find our test and an tier list with the best heroes you can currently play.