Mass Effect: The biggest decisions aren’t as controversial as they seem

‎Mass Effect The biggest decisions
‎Mass Effect The biggest decisions

Bioware publishes how players behave in the Legendary Edition. Almost everyone surprisingly agrees on important decisions – except for one.

Making difficult decisions, living with hard consequences – that makes up an important part of Mass Effect. Now the developers have published how players behave in the Legendary Edition. Who are the most popular companions? Who lives, who dies? We reveal the most important findings.

Caution, spoilers: In this article, we describe several of the most important decisions and story twists in the Mass Effect trilogy.

Most play Mass Effect similarly

This is what default Shepard looks like: 68 percent of players create a male Shepard, most choose “Born on Earth” as personal background, “Soldier” as class and “Sole Survivor” as psychological profile – probably also because these are simply the default settings

The most important decisions

Although many of Mass Effect’s decisions seem quite difficult at first glance, the overwhelming majority of players agree on what the right thing to do is. Almost all of them act like exemplary heroes, only a few follow the renegade path. For example, here:

– 93 percent of players rescue the captured Rachni Queen in the first game, despite the companions warning Shepard of the possible consequences.
– 94 percent of players ensure that Wrex survives the confrontation on Virmire.
– 96 percent of players heal the genophage, although this could theoretically mean a new krogan war campaign.
– Also 96 percent of the players manage that Tali is not excluded from the quarian fleet.
– 80 percent of players make peace between Geth and Quarians, 11 percent opt for the Machine Beings and 9 percent opt for the Migrant Fleet.

Why so much unanimity? Even in the original trilogy, most players opted for the exemplary career path to make Shepard a true hero instead of a brutal loner. In the Legendary Edition, this is likely to be compounded by the fact that many have already played Mass Effect and know the consequences of their actions – such as gaining an advantage by saving the Rachni Queen.

A controversial choice: At least one choice splits players into two similarly sized camps – save Ashley or save Kaidan? 60 per cent opt for the soldier, 40 per cent for the biotic. And that brings us to the most popular companions.

The most popular squad members: The undisputed number 1 should really surprise no one – no Shepard without Garrus Vakarian! In the first game, Tali follows directly after, then Liara, Wrex and bringing up the rear are the two human companions Ashley and Kaidan.

Garrus erobert auch im Remaster die Herzen der Spieler.

Of course, it would be exciting to find out which colour had the most players at the end or which romance is the most popular.

Do you find yourselves in the data? Or did you make a big decision differently than the majority? Feel free to tell us about your Normandy adventures!