Medieval Dynasty roadmap: What the current version offers and what 1.0 brings

Medieval Dynasty

Already in Early Access, Medieval Dynasty is being hailed on Steam. But it’s set to get even better in the coming weeks. Here’s the roadmap to release and beyond.

A lot has happened in the medieval world of Medieval Dynasty since day one in Early Access - and more is to come.
A lot has happened in the medieval world of Medieval Dynasty since day one in Early Access – and more is to come.

Medieval Dynasty is an unusual medieval game. It completely dispenses with knights, castles and crusades. Instead, we live through this deprived time from the perspective of a simple man who earns his living.

No great heroic deeds are performed here, instead we cultivate our fields, raise livestock or sew yarn. Hunting with bow and arrow remains the greatest adventure. But although this may sound dull to some, the genre mix is currently turning into a genuine Steam hit.

On Valve’s platform, Medieval Dynasty has received outstanding ratings from its players. It currently has a “very positive” rating, as 91 per cent of all 15,216 reviews are favourable. A stellar value! Especially since the game is still in Early Access, which we tested for you in September 2020.

But of course many are now asking: What happens next? We spoke to the producer and show you exclusively the planned roadmap to the release.

Roadmap until release

The Polish developers at Render Cube are currently planning to add a lot of additional features. Of course, the fact that Medieval Dynasty is getting so much more is also due to its success, which has turned out to be even greater than initially imagined.

When is the release

The Early Access of Medieval Dynasty already started in September 2020. The plan was to release the game completely six months later. In the meantime, however, the release date has been pushed back.

Currently, the 1.0 version of Medieval Dynasty will be released on 23 September 2021.

By the way: in the meantime, Medieval Dynasty has been released on the Epic Games Store and you can also get the medieval role-playing game via GOG.

One of the first new features was beekeeping - of course only with the right equipment. Even in the Middle Ages, bee stings were unpleasant.
One of the first new features was beekeeping – of course only with the right equipment. Even in the Middle Ages, bee stings were unpleasant.

The planned features for 1.0

To coincide with the full release of Medieval Dynasty in September, there will be another slew of completely new features. A few features that were originally intended for 1.0 are already out. One of the big new features is “The Heir”, a central part of the concept behind Medieval Dynasty.

– “The Heir” feature: You can already father a child in Medieval Dynasty and take it over as soon as you die. However, this important feature is to be refined even further. You will then be able to train your son as a child. This way, your new character will already have a few skills when you take him over.

Herb Lore: Healing herbs can also now be collected from all over the world. With the new feature, you can also grow and process these herbs. This allows you to create medicinal tinctures that improve your abilities. For example, the medicine helps you to regenerate better or to see in the dark.

Bandits: Many fans from the active community would like to see more combat options. With the bandits, the developers want to take a step in this direction. This won’t turn Medieval Dynasty into Kingdom Come, but you will be able to fight real people and drive them off your land. It was also once planned to be able to make real weapons in the forge.

Gates: Gates for fences should prevent animals from simply escaping. As with doors, villagers can easily enter and exit. Animals, however, cannot get past these obstacles.

Wells: Wells are also already as good as safe. This will then make it possible to easily supply villages with water even away from water bodies.

These are of course only the biggest innovations. But 1.0 should also provide improvements in other areas. For example, furniture and decoration are to be expanded, as many players are concerned with decorating their settlement. In addition, 1.0 allows players to place traders for various goods everywhere. This should also make real marketplaces possible. And NPCs use bridges more reliably instead of swimming through the river.

Currently, only vegetables grow in gardens. But with 1.0, we'll also put healing herbs in the moist soil here.
Currently, only vegetables grow in gardens. But with 1.0, we’ll also put healing herbs in the moist soil here.

What else is conceivable after release?

Medieval Dynasty will be released in September, but work on it will not stop. Of course, the team will continue to try to fix annoying bugs. In addition, a few new features are still pending. A few of them were planned for release, but are now delayed.

Important: At the moment, no paid DLCs are planned. All expansions will be released in the course of new updates.

– Character Creation: Originally, this feature was supposed to be released, but is now planned for later. According to the developers, the feature would not make sense at the moment because you only see your character very rarely anyway. But the team is still working on it.

– Complete voice-over: There will not be a complete voice-over for the release. This is still being worked on. The developers are planning at least a few English sentences for the release. Probably as a greeting and farewell. According to the developers, a complete dubbing in German would be desirable and is still conceivable after release.

– Multiplayer: The fans of Medieval Dynasty have wanted multiplayer for a long time. However, since there are still too many problems on the system side, no multiplayer is planned for release. However, the developers have it on their radar and are working on it. However, there is no firm promise.

Flirting in third-person? Many fans would like to see a new perspective. A feature that would be conceivable after release at the earliest, though.
Flirting in third-person? Many fans would like to see a new perspective. A feature that would be conceivable after release at the earliest, though.

All features since Early Access launch

In the entire year since its Early Access release, Medieval Dynasty has received numerous updates. All of them were free of charge and brought along bug fixes as well as big and small innovations. These include numerous new buildings, talents, tools and quests.

An overview of the biggest changes since the Early Access release can be found here:

Animal and Farming

Orchards: Together with beekeeping, orchards have also been added. A whole new form of field work, in other words. Here you grow seedlings, which then grow into cherry, pear or apple trees a few years later.

The Beekeeping: In Medieval Dynasty, your food will eventually go bad. Of course, honey is more durable than game or vegetables. With beekeeping, you can breed bees and obtain this tasty new resource, which takes a long time to spoil. In addition to honeycombs, the feature also includes matching protective suits.

Horses: You can get yourself a faithful steed and then travel faster. In addition, the animal can be loaded with goods, which of course takes a lot of weight off our shoulders.

New animals: After the horse was introduced as a beast of burden, a donkey followed not long after. The long-eared donkey can carry goods around for you and possibly even pull a cart. There are also new versions of existing animals. In the wilderness you can now also be attacked by lynxes.

Fishing: Fishing has been simplified with the fishing hut and the fishing spear. Players can land a perch or pike more easily themselves. In addition, villagers are allowed to take on this task.

It will probably take a lot of time for a sapling to grow into a useful fruit tree.
It will probably take a lot of time for a sapling to grow into a useful fruit tree.


Pottery: This is a more cosmetic feature. Originally you were allowed to make wooden dishes without exception. With the pottery, however, all of these pretty decorations for your tables are made of clay and can also be sold at a high price.

– Iron smelter: If you build a lot of houses, you need good tools. They will eventually break down. With the iron smelter you can make better tools from iron that will stay intact for a long time.

Alcohol production: Whether schnapps or beer, with this feature you get more to drink than water. You can grow necessary grain (hops) on your fields and convert it into alcohol in a special building. Consumption can also have game-changing effects.

Furniture: You can now produce much more real furniture for your village. In the beginning there was only the wash tub. In the meantime, benches and tables are also possible, which are used by the inhabitants.

Mixed goods trader: If you want to turn your products into money, you can now open your own trade. This way you can offer all kinds of goods. You can also choose to have an NPC run your shop while you explore the world



– Lanterns and Torches: With the help of lanterns and torches you can independently provide lighting. The objects can be placed anywhere and light up the nights.

– Bags and sacks: You can increase your own carrying capacity with backpacks and bags. Especially practical when you’re hauling lots of logs to the construction site.

– Events and challenges: At the beginning of a new season, a random event may occur that can have negative or positive effects. Here you will have to make decisions from time to time. In addition, the king will set special challenges.

– Improved flirting: One of the biggest criticisms in Medieval Dynasty was initially the opaque dialogue system. But there have been improvements here as well. Flirting has been significantly expanded. In addition, you don’t just have to text your sweetheart, but can also give her gifts.

– New options at the start of the game: You can regulate how demanding the game should be via options at the beginning. You want shorter seasons? No problem. More buildings from the start? Go for it. Infinite life points and no hunger? Sure! The options are many.