Megaton Musashi Wired: World Cup final shows what a strong PvP game should look like!


The grand finale of Megaton Musashi Wired shows you just how action-packed and exciting the game’s PvP mode is with plenty of mecha action!

The mecha action game Megaton Musashi Wired celebrated its release in a very special way on April 25: With a tournament event where participants could experience the game’s particularly action-packed PvP mode in action.

After the qualifying rounds the final has now been revealed, showing how the matches play out in the game: Always exciting, always close and always with the possibility that the seemingly underdog can still make a comeback in the final seconds.

An experience you can have yourself! Because the game has already been released on Steam, PS4 and PS5 as well as Nintendo Switch. You can find more information on the official website:

(Learn more about Megaton Musashi Wired)

Progression of the qualifying rounds

The developer Level-5, known for titles such as Ni No Kuni, Professor Layton and Yokai Watch, invited representatives from all over the world to compete against each other in this tournament. Unfortunately, Team Germany was eliminated in the qualifying round

In the semi-finals, the following teams finally faced each other:

  • UK against USA
  • China vs Japan

You can watch the complete second half of the tournament here:

UK vs. USA: A quick end

Cautious feeling out from a distance: The USA and Great Britain fought a fierce battle in which both teams initially kept their distance. They tried to wear down the opponent with long-range weapons, while cover took precedence.

The sudden turn in close combat: The United Kingdom was much better prepared for this situation. For they brought capabilities to the fight that allowed them to blanket the area with a barrage of missiles.

The Americans, on the other hand, concentrated on close combat. The latter eventually exploited this by seeking the offensive and thus gaining an early advantage.

(The United Kingdom was only better equipped for the initial ranged combat.)
(The United Kingdom was only better equipped for the initial ranged combat.)

Defeat despite comeback: After less than a minute, victory was within reach. However, a brief comeback could not save the United Kingdom and after just over two minutes the score dropped to zero, which meant the end.

China vs. Japan: last-second decision

Japan’s big advantage: The match between Japan and China seemed to be a clear-cut affair before the start, as Japan had the home advantage on their side. After all, they already had experience with the two predecessors:

They showed this in their choice of equipment: with a mixture of close-range and long-range combat skills, they were prepared for any situation – and ready to give it their all!

(The combination attack from China looked impressive, but was ultimately misplaced.)
(The combination attack from China looked impressive, but was ultimately misplaced.)

What a start! Both teams got down to business right from the start and showed impressive aggression. The game was initially very even until China unexpectedly took the lead. But then they gave away their Rolling Blaster: a powerful combo attack that can kill the entire opposing team at once. They only hit one of the Japanese Rogues with it

An exciting neck-and-neck race! The home team quickly made up for this small initial setback and a constant tug-of-war developed as the clock ticked down mercilessly. Time and again, Japan faced the threat of defeat, but were always able to fight their way back.

The decision was only made in the final seconds: The back-and-forth continued until the last second and shortly before the time-out, both teams were almost level. But in the last 10 seconds, Japan managed to do with a laser skill what China had previously failed to do with its combo attack: defeat the entire team at once. This gave them the decisive advantage just before the end!

(The attack that decided the match: Japan finished off the entire Chinese team with just one skill.)
(The attack that decided the match: Japan finished off the entire Chinese team with just one skill.)

Decisive battle: Victory thanks to superior tactics

Cautious feeling out: This is how the USA and Japan faced each other in the final. Knowing that the title was at stake, both teams played very cautiously at first. They looked for objects and limited themselves to a few shots with their ranged weapons.

Advantage through teamwork: The USA gained an early advantage by taking out one opponent after another and pulling away after each small victory. In doing so, they always stayed together and used the chaos that ensued among the Japanese to further extend their advantage.

Because while the Japanese tried to return to battle individually, they were repeatedly met by the entire enemy team, consisting of three Rogues.

A fierce fight for survival: Although the US formation eventually disintegrated, Japan failed to make a comeback here as they had previously against China. They fought with everything they had and eventually lost after just three minutes. The winner of the tournament was clear: the USA had won!

(At the end, all participants including presenter Maxwell Powers posed. The USA representative holds the trophy)
(At the end, all participants including presenter Maxwell Powers posed. The USA representative holds the trophy)

Online battles without borders!

All on one server! You can now play the PvP mode of Megaton Musashi Wired directly yourself. And thanks to crossplay, you won’t run out of opponents any time soon, as all platforms – PS4, PS5, PC and Switch – play against each other via crossplay!

A game for every taste: If you’re now in the mood for exciting online battles or alternatively want to dive into the single-player campaign, in which you can keep upgrading your own Rogue with new items, you should take a look at the official website now!