Metal: Hellsinger & the biggest concert at Gamescom


Metal fans, listen up! You too will get your money’s worth during this year’s Gamescom. Funcom and The Outsiders are organising a concert as a promo for Metal: Hellsinger, which will take place during the gaming fair.

You are a half-demon commonly known as the Nameless One. Fueled by a desire for revenge, you take up arms and launch a terrifying assault on all levels of Hell. On your way you shoot your way through hordes of demons to finally reach the Red Judge, the ruler of Hell.

But Metal: Hellsinger has more to offer than just the first-person shooter aspect. Here it also depends on the right rhythm. If you can attack to the beat, you not only experience how the attacks deal out more and more damage. The music also becomes more and more complex, until you finally unlock the vocals to go with the instrumental melody.

(Source: Official Website)
(Source: Official Website)

The music tracks of Metal: Hellsinger were specially designed for the rhythm shooter. For this, developer The Outsiders and publisher Funcom have asked some stars of the metal scene to the microphone. You can expect the voices of Serj Tankian (System of a Down), Matt Heafy (Trivium), Mikael Stanne (Dark Tranquillity), Randy Blythe (Lamb of God), Alissa White-Gluz (Arch Enemy) and Tatiana Shmailyuk (Jinjer), among others.

Metal concert during Gamescom

To celebrate the upcoming release of Metal: Hellsinger, the developer and publisher are organising a concert, the biggest ever held at a Gamescom. You can expect greats like Alissa (Arch Enemy)Matt Heafy (Trivium)Dennis Lyxzen (Refused/INVSN)James Dorton (Black Crown Initiate) and Mikael Stanne (Dark Tranquility) The artists will be accompanied by the duo Two Feathers, who composed and recorded the official songs of the game.

If you also want to take part in this epic concert experience, find yourself on 25 August at Hall  Admission for VIPs starts at 5pm, Public Access starts at 6pm. At 19h the concert finally begins.