Mobile or Switch? Which device you should play Pokémon Unite on

Mobile or Switch On which device you should play Pokémon Unite


The mobile version of Pokémon Unite is out and faces its initial release on the Nintendo Switch. Which of the two options offers the better gaming experience?

With the mobile release of Pokémon Unite on 21 September, players now have two platforms to choose from for Nintendo’s MOBA: their smartphone or the Switch. Both versions are based on the same game, but of course the control mechanics differ. So which of the two versions offers the greatest convenience?

The controls on your own smartphone are more compact due to the smaller size of the device. Many players see this as an advantage because they can act more quickly and thus gain a competitive edge. In addition, the mobile phone is often in the pocket anyway, which makes the gaming experience even more flexible than with the equally portable but larger Switch. However, according to some players, the smartphone version has the disadvantage of crashing more often.

The Nintendo Switch again has the typical console advantage, as it allows playing on a large screen. In your own four walls, this is conceivably more pleasant than on the small smartphone display. In terms of mobility, however, the mobile phone beats the Switch, both through smaller size and easier internet access, provided the device already has a flat rate anyway.

Since Nintendo allows full cross-play and playing on both the Switch and the mobile phone with the same account is possible, there is no need to commit to one method. Depending on the situation, gamers can use both options to their advantage. Ultimately, the debate between the two variants simply boils down to a question of taste.