Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is now available for consoles!


Today Capcom releases Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak for Xbox, PlayStation and Windows. With the release on additional platforms, they are looking to build on the DLC’s success story.

Since its release last summer, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak has sold over 12 million copies. Now, gamers on other platforms are also set to embark on the adventurous journey to a faraway kingdom.
After the knight Fiorayne hears about your brave rescue of Kamura, she asks for your help. Together you will travel to the port of the Elgado Outpost. From there, you’ll be tasked with taking care of the elemental powerhouse Garangolm, the eerie Fanged Wyvern Lunagaron, and the vampiric Dragon Elder Malzeno, known collectively as The Three Lords.

In the new environment of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, hunters will explore newly designed locations, such as the newly revealed Citadel or the returning Jungle. New follower quests will allow you to befriend new NPCs and take them on single-player hunts. Also, among other things, you’ll learn new Switch abilities for all 14 weapons, allowing for a variety of new weapon actions

Those who pick up Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak starting today will receive all post-launch content until the free Title Update 3 (Ver. 13). Capcom plans to announce which free content updates will follow in the future at a later date. Those who could use some help will find it in the (official manual