Mounts in New World? Why mounts are less likely than many believe

‎Mounts in New World
‎Mounts in New World

At the beginning of New World, you’ll be travelling great distances to complete quests. This is unlikely to change anytime soon, if you believe the lore of New World.

The MMORPG New World has been in closed beta for a few days. Especially in the evening hours there are long waiting times when connecting to the server. But you don’t only have to be patient there: The completion of some quests also demands a lot of time.

Already during the alpha, there were repeated questions about mounts to bridge long distances. Although such a system has not been officially denied, the signs that it will be introduced shortly after the release are not good.

Why there are no mounts in New World

Part of the story in New World is told through books and pages. One of them is “The Animals Revolt”, which is about the domestication of donkeys and horses. In the report, a local doctor describes how many people in Aeternum have suffered back injuries from carrying too much luggage. The doctor strongly warns against overloading and points out that in Aeternum, which is the name of the world, there are no riding or pack animals for transport.

On Reddit, ParadiftShigm posted the relevant document as a screenshot:

The lore tells us there will be no mounts from newworldgame

Translated, it reads:

“Following a recent spate of back injuries, Aeternum doctors feel compelled to issue this warning to anyone transporting goods between settlements:

Please remember that there are no beasts of burden on Aeternum. No horse or donkey will pull your cart, carry your luggage or tolerate a rider. All attempts to domesticate or re-domesticate these animals have only resulted in injuries and a lot of swearing.

Therefore, it is important to carry only as many goods as your back can carry. Don’t put too much weight on your backpacks or carts. This is not the Old World. In Aeternum we all have to carry our own weight.

Your joints will thank you!”

Are Mounts Still Coming Back?

The section on re-domestication is particularly interesting. It indicates that in the past there were indeed load and mount animals. However, the developers have excluded mounts for the current beta and release:

Already at the preview event in August 2020, colleague Leya Jankowski from MeinMMO asked: PLEASE bring mounts to New World. And players on social media are also asking for mounts for New World. Under the screenshot posted on Reddit, the voices of players who want mounts are increasing. Although there are fast travel options, this is more of a means to an end and does not help with the journey to a quest.

Many paths lead back to the origin: Especially at the beginning of your adventure in New World you will walk a lot from one point to another. As you progress, this becomes less of a problem. To help you get started, we have given you 9 tips that will make it easier for you to get started in Amazon’s MMO.

However, the developers have never ruled out mounts in principle and it is quite conceivable that load and mount animals will follow in the future.

Do you wish for mounts in New World or do you like to travel on foot? Write us your opinion in the comments.