Much excitement around Red Dead Redemption 3: What’s behind it?


Since yesterday, Western fans have been in a frenzy. Is Rockstar really working on Red Dead Redemption 3 right now? A leaker at least wants to know. But one does not completely trust the roast.

It’s almost too good to be true. After Rockstar Red Dead Online had left it to the jackals on the prairie and seemingly invested all its energy in GTA VI, there is now a new glimmer of hope for fans of the Western Outlaws.
Indeed, the Twitter account (MyTimeToShineHello) wants to be sure that Red Dead Redemption 3 is “officially” in development.

This news could mean that GTA VI is at the end of its development. After all, Red Dead Redemption 3 is likely to be a similarly resource-guzzling project. Accordingly, development could also take some time, which is why many fans joke that they won’t play the game for another 50 years or in their next life.

Despite the anticipation, there is of course also a great deal of scepticism. Aside from MyTimeToShineHello not citing any sources for the claim, the account has yet to announce the development of Hogwarts Legacy 2 most recently.

Two blockbusters in a short space of time? Can that be? We’ll take this news with a grain of salt and keep our eyes peeled for any further clues on the development of Red Dead Redemption 3.