Multiversus: How to play Smash Bros for PC for free now


The Multiversus Open Beta is now open. We explain how you can quickly get an Early Access Key – via Twitch Drops or even right now!

On 26 July 2022, Multiversus will enter open beta. The brawler combines the familiar gameplay from Super Smash Bros, where you have to beat up your enemies and catapult them out of the level, with a huge cast of licensed characters from Game of Thrones, the DC Comics and more.

But if you want, you can get started right away – and it’s completely free. In this article we’ll tell you how to do it.

How you can get started right away

The Multiversus open beta will start on 19 July 2022, but according to the developers, all progress and earned rewards will be preserved beyond the beta phase – so the game is actually celebrating its release today. And to go with it, there’s a new gameplay trailer showing off the latest hero in the form of the giant from space:

However, you will need a key to get started immediately – otherwise you will have to wait until 26 July 2022. You can easily get an Early Access Key for the Open Beta in two different ways.

1: Twitch Drops

You probably already know it from other games: The developers will give you a key if you watch a multiverse streamer play for an hour – or leave the stream on mute in the background.

If not, just follow our instructions.

2: App

Actually, Steelseries.GG is an app that allows gamers to manage and control their equipment from the hardware manufacturer. However, Steam Keys and Beta access are also regularly given away here!

Not only do you currently get an Early Access Key for the Open Beta, but also the trash gem Maneater for free. In the linked article you will get a detailed explanation of how you can pick up the rewards in no time at all.