Never again alone in Red Dead 2: Modder provides good company in the single player

‎Never again alone in Red Dead 2


Red Dead Redemption 2 with Companion System: Thanks to the modder scene, you can take John, Hosea and Co. with you on your forays.

You love the single player of Red Dead Redemption 2? But you sometimes wish you had some company? For this special case, a modder now offers the right code. The Companion System mod allows you to recruit companions from your camp and take them with you on your adventures.

So you just casually traipse over to Javier, Bill, John, Hosea, Kieran, Sean, Micah, Lenny or Charles, press a button and poof, you have a companion. The companions follow you on foot and on horseback, pitch their own tent in your camp, support you in battles and can even be directed with commands.

You decide whether they should simply follow you, hold out or go to a certain place. They also keep you company while fishing and cast their own rod. In the future, developer Bolmin plans to add the character Sadie to the mod.

You can watch the mod in action in the following video:

How to install the mod

Get the urge to install the mod yourself? Unfortunately, this is not possible via the handy Vortex Manager from Nexusmods, but requires a bit more manual work. We help with a compact guide

  • First install Lenny’s Mod Loader (LML). The tool is needed. (You can download it here). Now extract the contents of the “ModLoader” folder directly into your Red Dead Redemption 2 game directory. The ModManager folder can be placed anywhere on your hard drive. Later, you will need to copy new mods into the LML folder
  • Install the mod Script Hook RDR2, which is also required. (You can download it here). Copy the file ScriptHookRDR2.dll directly into the game directory on your hard disk.
    • Finally you can download the mod “Companion System” (on Nexusmods). Extract the archive to your game directory, which should now contain the Companion.asi, Companion.ini and ScriptHookRDR2.dll files in your main folder. Then copy the Companion_System folder into the LML folder mentioned earlier. That’s it! Now the mod should be running.

    What do you think of the mod? Have you always wanted to do more with your camp mates or can’t the Wild West be lonely enough for you? Feel free to write us in the comments