New allegations about The Day Before: trailer allegedly very liberally helps itself to competition


The controversies surrounding The Day Before are not abating. After the rather sobering trailer, fans discover questionable parallels to Call of Duty.

No other game is making such waves before its release as The Day Before – but mostly in a negative way. Numerous fans now doubt the authenticity or sincerity of the developers and question whether a game is really being made here. You can read the details in our chronicle of the controversy surrounding The Day Before.

Following pressure from the community, the first gameplay of the game was recently shown – and this is causing discussion even beyond the quality of the scenes. Twitter user Chroma has recorded some rather startling parallels between the published footage and other games – and the discussion about the line between inspiration and brazen copying is once again erupting on the internet.

Parallels between The Day Before and other games

Twitter user Chroma contrasts the beginning of The Day Before trailer shown with the trailer for Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War’s zombie mode:

If you want to see the parallels for yourself, watch the first few seconds of the video here:

And then compare the fun with the sections starting at second 00:42 in this trailer here:

This criticism joins various accusations that the community has voiced in recent months. Even in its promo material, The Day Before – according to the accusations – is said to draw a lot of inspiration from other games. For example, The Division:

Chroma also notes parallels between The Day Before and the muddy truck sim Snowrunner, Resident Evil 2 and The Last of Us. Of course, there are also defenders who speak of creative inspiration. A reference to other games does not have to be plagiarism.

On the other hand, it can at least be stated beyond doubt that the developers are not doing themselves any favours with regard to the accusations of plagiarism by weaving in such strong parallels to an old CoD trailer in their latest video.