New live event “Traitor’s Moon: The Dark is Rising” starts in Hunt: Showdown


A new danger is rising in the bayou of Hunt: Showdown. On 24 March 2022, the latest live event of Crytek’s PvPvE shooter kicked off. For 21 days, until 14 April, players can rake in rewards in Traitor’s Moon: The Dark is Rising by completing challenges, solving puzzles, looting other Hunters and smashing totems. We reveal exactly what’s in store for the new event for the popular asymmetrical horror multiplayer shooter below.

Numerous new content for Hunt Showdown

In Hunt: Showdown, a sinister plot to manipulate the Bayou’s corruption is revealed. To accelerate players’ progress, a number of new boosters are now available. The new DLC pack “The Meridian Turncoat” offers players a new legendary hunter and legendary weapons to best prepare them for the event.

Players can already unlock four new weapons – the Scottfield Brawler, the Berthier Riposte, the Caldwell Model 92 and the Winfield Model 93 – and later get new legendary skins for weapons and equipment. These new weapons will be released in Early Access and will not be available elsewhere for at least 20 days after the event. So now is the ideal time to go hunting with these weapons.

The Meridian Turncoat DLC features Turncoat, a new legendary hunter who was falsely accused of being a traitor during the war after being the only survivor of an ambush. Dishonourably discharged, the former soldier seeks revenge and so travels to Louisiana to join the American Hunter’s Association. The DLC also includes two legendary weapons, a pair of Dagger 96 pistols named “Crossfire” and “Ambush”, as well as the new legendary ammunition box “Red Cask”. The new DLC is now available on Steam, Xbox and the PlayStation Store for €9.99.

The in-game store is offering special deals for the duration of the live event. The “Traitor’s Moon Event Bundle” is discounted by 15% and brings the new legendary choke bomb “Cicada”, 1000 event points and a Charys contract for 24 hours. “Cicada” can also be purchased separately. A new loyalty bonus offers players 800 Blood Bonds, Hunt’s in-game currency, if they complete the event and unlock all rewards, purchase an event-related item in the in-game shop and the new event DLC “The Meridian Turncoat”. As a special offer, PC players can also purchase an event bundle that includes the base version along with four DLCs for a total of up to 56% off.

Hunt: Showdown is available for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Players can learn more about the latest live event and game by visiting ( On the other hand, if you’re in the mood for some serious thrills, try the newly released open-world action-adventure game Ghostwire: Tokyo!