New on Steam: An insider tip awaits in the last week of the year


Between the holidays, an apocalyptic role-playing game secret tip awaits you on Steam.

Christmas is over, the family visits are over and with New Year’s Eve the next big event is already around the corner. Hopefully you can spend the hopefully quiet days between the holidays with lots of good games – either from the many current winter sales or with one of the new releases of the week. Because also in the last week of the year some interesting games will be released on Steam.

Highlight of the week: Horror Tales: The Astronaut

Genre: Survival Horror – Developer: Carlos Coronado – Release: December 30, 2022 – (get the game on Steam)

In this horror game, you wake up in an abandoned space station, oxygen is running low and to make matters worse, you notice creepy shadows scurrying around the corridors of the station.

Your goal is to survive and solve the environmental puzzles scattered all around you. However, with your oxygen capacity dwindling, you won’t have endless time to solve them.


Early Access deferred : Pathogenesis: Overcome

Genre: Action-RPG – Developer: 269th lab games softworks – Release: probably end of February (Early Access – get the game on Steam)

The original plan was to launch Pathogenesis: Overcome in Early Access on 27 December. However, the developer announced at short notice that the release will be postponed. Probably to the end of February. He still wants to announce a new release date. The wrong one is still stored on Steam.

The top-down role-playing game Pathogenesis: Overcome combines elements from Fallout, Stalker, DayZ and Project Zomboid and knits a thoroughly exciting mixture out of it. In the year 2023, a zombie apocalypse has broken out due to a global pandemic and you must now find your place in the devastated world.

According to the developers, the focus will be on the story campaign, but the game offers numerous elements that you know from survival and open-world role-playing games. Looting, crafting and exploration are on board as well as clans and factions that you can join.

Pathogenesis is hardcore in combat: ammunition is scarce and weighs a lot, and a single hit can be fatal. You should therefore always weigh up carefully whether you really want to solve problems with violence.

More Releases of the Week

Monday, 26 December

  • (MIA): A multiplayer survival game where 20 players fight for a valuable relic on an island.

Tuesday, 27 December

  • (ILLUMINATI): A turn-based strategy game based on the 1994 classic card game in which you must conquer world domination as an Illuminati.

Wednesday, 28 December

  • (Slender Myth): A new horror game starring the creepy Slender Man, in which – surprise! – You have to search for pages in a dark forest.

The first Slender Man game caused massive horror hype on YouTube about ten years ago – and we almost wet our pants back then too, as you can see in the video above.