New role-playing game Homestead Arcana combines Stardew Valley with magic


In Homestead Acrana, you play a witch who must use her magical cat to rid the world of a mysterious miasma while tending to her garden.

The new role-playing game Homestead Arcana, which lets you slip into the role of a powerful witch, has just been announced. She fights against the mysterious miasma that corrupts the nature surrounding her. At the same time, we also take care of our idyllic garden and ensure that it grows and thrives. We briefly introduce the title to you and of course show the first trailer.

Stardew Valley with magic?

In the first trailer for Homestead Arcana we can already see roughly how the game will work: We explore the fantasy world and free it from the influence of the malicious miasma. We also collect and discover new spells and plants. We then cultivate the latter in our garden and create more fields and flower beds there.

Screenshots and the (Steam description) also reveal some more details about Homestead:

  • Spellcrafting: Apparently we can also create our own spells, but details are not yet known.
  • Animal companion: Our cat Huckleberry will also join us on our travels. She probably also supports us in pushing back the miasma. What special abilities the four-legged friend has, however, is not yet revealed.

  • The world: The miasma is apparently quite dangerous, because dangerous creatures also lurk in the infested areas, which we can probably fight. In addition, there are probably also interesting places to discover like this apparently abandoned mansion in the screenshot below. In addition, we can probably also fly through the world with a broom:

(Cute cat yes, but how exactly will Huckleberry help us?)
(Cute cat yes, but how exactly will Huckleberry help us?)

That”s about it for the first information on Homestead Arcana. If witches and dark mysteries appeal to you, then also check out what secrets we found in the first trailer for the newly announced medieval Assassin”s Creed.

How do you like the first look at Homestead Arcana? Would you enjoy another idyllic farming sim with a setting like this? Or do witches and the visuals of the game not appeal to you at all? Feel free to write your opinion in the comments!