New Skyrim documentary provides incredible insights


The milestone of video game history Skyrim has already been around for 10 years and is still making a name for itself. Now, former developer Jonah Lobe is releasing his own “fan documentary” on the evergreen of fantasy role-playing games. He worked as a character artist on Skyrim for a long time and now presents us with an almost one-hour documentary on the game, which was released in 2011. In “A Skyrim Documentary: You’re Finally Awake: Nine Developers Recount the Making of Skyrim”, as the documentary is officially called, eight former Skyrim developers give incredible new insights together with Lobe.

Numerous new Skyrim background information

Despite all Corona’s efforts, Lobe managed to talk to eight former colleagues about Skyrim’s development, release and cult status. Although they are all no longer with the developer Bethesda, thanks to them we now have many valuable and interesting new insights into our favourite role-playing game Skyrim.

Lobe interviewed the following former developers: Joel Burgess (level designer), Lianne Cruz (animator), Salinee Goldenberg (video editor), Dennis Mejillones (character artist), Nate Purkeypile (world artist), Rashad Redic (world artist), Jean Simonet (programmer) and Mark Teare (FX artist).

Together they give new insights into the making of the game in the 50 minute YouTube documentary. A pinch of nostalgia through numerous memories and anecdotes is of course not neglected. Another major theme of the documentary, which celebrated its 10th anniversary this year with a special Anniversary Edition, is the enormous cultural influence on the entire video game industry and community.

Even after a decade, Skyrim, which never stops coming back again and again on all kinds of platforms, delivers great new stories. The great YouTube documentary now delivers many new insights and stories about it that we didn’t know before. For anyone who has also spent a triple-digit number of hours in Skyrim, the documentary is a must-see!