New survival glimpse: 200 seconds in Derelicts is a delight for fans of The Forest


Derelicts is a survival game in Unreal Engine 5 that is being developed single-handedly by just one person. On (Steam) there is no release date yet, but the following description: “Build and upgrade your base, craft weapons, hunt, use electricity and water power to survive and fulfill your mission. “

As usual in the genre, we collect resources and craft new equipment in order to survive in the fight against the forces of nature or mutated animals. The forest scenery is strikingly reminiscent of The Forest and its successor

We have compiled various gameplay scenes from an early alpha version of Derelicts that show some exciting mechanics:

– Metals are forged from ore, which requires various ingredients
– Automated trap systems can effectively fend off enemies from the base
– A weather system dynamically influences the environment (rain, snow, storm)

Derelicts is now considered a potential insider tip for survival fans and occupies 50th place in the worldwide wish list charts on Steam. According to the solo developer from France, his inspiration includes The Forest, Turok, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and the Metro games.