New Tomb Raider in Unreal Engine 5 announced!


Actually, the Tomb Raider trilogy was complete with the last part. Shadow of the Tomb Raider was completed in 2018. Now the American developer Crystal Dynamics announces a new part and that in the fabulous looking Unreal Engine 5! We summarise everything known for you.

A new Tomb Raider game in photo-realistic graphics

As Dallas Dickinson, General Manager of the “Tomb Raider” franchise at Crystal Dynamics himself announces, “we are pleased to announce today that we have begun development on our next Tomb Raider game based on Unreal Engine 5. Our goal is to push the boundaries of fidelity and deliver a high quality, cinematic action adventure that fans of Crystal Dynamics and the Tomb Raider franchise deserve.”

The developers’ goal, Dickinson said, is to continue the old Tomb Raider saga, of games from the 90s and 200s. With the latest trilogy, showing Lara’s evolution into an adventurer, to be united. An ambitious plan, fittingly done in a fancy graphics engine like Unreal 5. This would bring both old series fans and newcomers and action adventure enthusiasts on board at the same time. One possible scenario would be that we accompany Lara as a fully trained heroine and digger on her most difficult mission to date. In other words, a Lara as a trained Tomb Raider who is already experienced, self-confident and strong, so that this could also be transferred to the gameplay.

It remains exciting which path Crystal Dynamics will take and when we can expect more information. Since this is the very first announcement without any visuals, a release before 2023 is still out of the question. Of course, this also gives us more time to catch up on Lara Croft’s latest adventures.

It seems to be the week of big announcements in the games industry. Only yesterday (04 April 2022) a sequel to the iconic (Monkey Island Adventure) series was announced.