New trouble around Payday 3: Important changes announced, then postponed again


Actually, a patch was supposed to fix many bugs in the shooter and unlock PS5 players their paid bonus content. But the update is delayed indefinitely on short notice.

Payday 3 has disappointed many fans again after the annoying launch: The developers have postponed an important patch at short notice without being able to give a concrete new release date. This is particularly annoying for all those who play on PS5 and have paid for special cosmetics.

What’s going on with Payday 3?

After the shooter suffered from massive technical problems right at release, making it unplayable for many interested parties, the game (on Steam) currently stands with just 39 percent positive user reviews. In Steam-speak, that means “mostly negative.” 

Many continue to complain about bugs, but also that the game simply doesn’t motivate them and is a step backwards compared to Payday 2. Our own test also comes to this conclusion, because after about five hours you have already seen everything that is important.

That’s why many were pinning their hopes on a patch that had been announced and was supposed to be installed on 5 October But on that day, the message came via Twitter that the update was not working as planned and could therefore only go live later, after important changes had been implemented. The developers hope that this will be the case in mid-October, but there is no date.

Explicitly, PS5 players will still not have access to cosmetics such as item skins for which they have paid a premium, for example because they own the 130 Euro Collector’s Edition:

In the comments there is a lot of criticism as well as understanding, also (on Reddit) disappointed players give free rein to their frustration. Reddit user ConstructionLegal216 writes for example:

It’s not even the fact that they are delaying [the patch] that pisses me off. It’s the fact that they were so unclear about what was going to happen today and then waited until the last second to tell people that nothing was coming. I understand that the unexpected happens, but the lack of communication is entirely their fault.

Many are complaining about this perceived lack of communication on Twitter as well. The official Payday account posts giveaways, fan artwork and streamer collaborations several times a day, but hardly anything about the massive server problems. 

Are you currently playing Payday 3? Are you still affected by matchmaking or server problems or is the heist shooter running better than at launch? Are you waiting for patches that fix bugs or even updates that fill the game with more content? Feel free to let us know in the comments below the article.