New Valheim update is packed with fresh dungeons, enemies, weapons & more




The next big update for Valheim is just around the corner. Find out what content you can expect and how you can already try it out here.

If you haven’t had a look at the survival game Valheim for a while, you’ll soon get some good reasons to get back into the rough Viking world. The highlight of the upcoming update is the icy dungeons that you can explore.

In this article, you can find out what new content is in store for you apart from the dark caves. And if you’re interested in the long-term future of Valheim, we’ve already got the answers for you:

What will happen in Valheim in 2022? Roadmap and all planned updates


A boon for controller fans

The new ice caves will be generated the first time you start the game after the update, which is why the loading process may take a little longer once. By the way, you can only find the new dungeons in unexplored areas on your map.

The developers do not reveal in detail what exactly awaits you in the frosty underground. But we’ll go out on a limb and venture the prediction that you’ll have to reckon with enemy contact. So it’s best to pack your axe, shield and some food before you set off.

The whole thing is now even easier to control! For apart from the ice dungeons, there is a whole series of other innovations, including the full controller support that fans have been longing for. The addition of this has a simple reason, by the way, because Valheim will also be made compatible for the new Steam Deck with the new patch. This also includes the scaling of the UI.

What else is being added? Among the other new features of the update are:

  • New enemies: wolves, cultists, bats
  • New crafting materials: Red Jute, Fenring Hair, Fenring Claws
  • New Armour Set: Fenris Coat, Fenris Leggings, Fenris Hood (incl. bonuses if you wear them all at the same time)
  • New weapon: Flesh Rippers
  • New Furniture: Red Jute Carpet, Red Jute Curtains, Standing Coal Basin
  • New Event: You stirred the cauldron
  • You can now pause the game at any time in single player mode
  • FPS limiter added, reduced load in the background


By the way, when you place the new furniture in your home, you should pay close attention – because even a small mistake can lead to you being punished by the God of Thunder himself:

Valheim: Small construction error causes Thor to damage your base


How to test the new update right now

If you’re already itching to grab the axe, we’ve also got a little guide on how you can install the test update on Steam right now. As always, try it out at your own risk!

  • Open your Steam library and right-click on the Valheim entry.
  • Select Properties and navigate to the Betas tab in the new window.
    • There you will find a text line in which you enter the code yesimadebackups.
    • Over the text line you should now be offered the public test branch, which you naturally select from the list.
      • Close the window again. Steam should now automatically download the Valheim update.

        Valheim Patch 0.207.15 – Release Notes:


        New content:

        * Suddenly… Frost Caves

        Fixes & Improvements:

        • Pause function in singleplayer
        • Full controller support! (Gamepad legend and alternative glyphs)
        • Gamepad text input when playing through in Steam Big Picture mode
        • Corrections to UI, Settings and Steam Deck
        • FPS limiter and reduced background power
        • Split dialogue can accept numeric input
        • Signs can now be built without workbench
        • Bug fixes and quality of life improvements
        • Armor stand now supports atgeirs and shield styles
        • Nomap Mode Optimizations

        New content:

        • Frost Caves added as a new dungeon (appears only in unexplored areas)
        • New enemies: Ulv, Cultist, Bat
        • New crafting materials: Red Jute, Fenring Hair, Fenring Claw
        • New Armour Set: Fenris Coat, Fenris Leggings, Fenris Hood (equip them all at once for an extra bonus!)
        • New weapon: Flesh Ripper (unarmed)
        • New Building Elements: Red Jute Carpet, Red Jute Curtain, Standing Brazier
        • New event: “You stirred the kettle “

        Fixes & improvements:

        • FPS limiter setting and option to reduce GPU usage when minimised, menu FPS limited to 60
        • Various improvements and additions to console commands, see console help
        • Some dungeon parts were not fully deterministic (endings)
        • Improvements in nomap mode (Vegvisr alternative, nomap is a server setting, maximum distance for shouting, random build/spawn rotation, ‘noportals’ command)
        • Resolution now only shows frame rate when exclusive full screen mode is forced
        • Miscellaneous UI Corrections
        • Recipes for Jack-o-turnip + Yule stuff disabled

        Quality of life:

        • Building marker is more subtle and shows rotation of pieces
        • Corpse run gives a bonus to carrying weight to compensate for the unequipped belt
        • Crafting stackable items when inventory is full is now possible when there are free stacking slots
        • Fixed a bug where stackable items would sometimes not be taken when the inventory was full and you pressed “Take All” in a chest
        • The chat can now be closed with Esc, mouse or gamepad B

        Gamepad support:

        • Full controller support
        • Controller legend visible in the pause menu and in the settings
        • Controller text input in Steam big screen mode. Chat, characters, characters, pets, etc. can now be named with the controller
        • Controller assignment of all game functions
        • Context menus now always show controller buttons when a controller is used
        • Alternative option for controller glyph style
        • Skills window can be scrolled with the gamepad
        • Crafting can be cancelled by pressing the button again (as with the mouse)
        • Fixed some missing/misplaced gamepad tooltips

        Steam deck:

        • Steam Deck controller layout is displayed when playing on Steam Deck
        • Loads default settings tailored to Steam Deck


        • Improvements for multiple community-translated languages

        What do you say about the new Valheim update? Is the full controller support a blessing for you as well, or should the game rather focus on more and especially faster released content? Feel free to write us your opinion in the comments