New Warhammer shooter: Boltgun reinterprets the 40K universe in an old-fashioned way


A new first-person shooter with plenty of retro charm is set to pick up fans of Warhammer 40,000. Just playing with our 90s sensibilities seems to succeed.

The 1990s are far longer ago than many children of this colourful decade would like. All the more bitter-sweet when our favourite youth hobbies skilfully play with precisely this fact. Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun is such a case.

The new first-person shooter for single-player is to be released in 2023, but it is supposed to look like the toughest competitor to 1993’s Doom. In doing so, the developers are indeed reinterpreting the popular tabletop universe – but in a way that would certainly have appealed to our younger selves.

Boltgun was presented at the big Skulls event, which also featured numerous other novelties from the Warhammer universe!

Sprite carnage like in 1999

Before we bombard you with the facts about Warhammer 40K: Boltgun, it’s worth taking a look at the released trailer for the game. If you don’t get 1990s feelings now, you probably weren’t there:

The trailer first shows a cutscene in which we open a moving box with old youth stuff. Besides a box of Space Marine miniatures, we also find a lovingly hand-painted floppy disk with the title Boltgun on it. Afterwards, the trailer shows first gameplay from the game.

What is Boltgun about?

Sprites and pixels instead of high gloss: Even laymen realise that you don’t need an RTX 3090 for Boltgun. The shooter deliberately goes for a nostalgic look that was in vogue before the first 3D accelerators. But don’t let the retro look completely mislead you, after all Boltgun uses the Unreal Engine 4 as its technical underpinning.

The Life of a Space Marine: The plot of the new first-person shooter revolves around the mighty Space Marines and their iconic standard rifle, the eponymous Boltgun. You slip into the battle suit of one of these super soldiers and shoot your way through hordes of Chaos Daemons and Chaos Space Marines.

Focus on Action: As expected, Boltgun is not about the fine arts. Fast-paced, lead-packed action is supposed to be the main focus. As can be seen in the trailer, this includes massive explosions and lots of pixel blood.

If role-playing games are more your kind of hunting game, you might be interested in the newly announced (Rogue Trader). After all, it breaks completely new ground for Warhammer 40K!

What else is there to know?

Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun will be released sometime in 2023 developers from Focus Entertainment and Auroch Digital will not be more specific.

After all, the platforms are already set: The first-person shooter is coming for PC, current- and last-gen consoles as well as Nintendo Switch